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(Hong Kong, 2 May 2012) Following on the overwhelming positive impact generated from the first two rounds of "Love Ideas, Love HK" in the past two years that have impacted more than 1.1 million beneficiaries through 427 projects granted, the Li Ka Shing Foundation ("LKSF") announced today that Round 3 of the programme will be launched tomorrow.
"Love Ideas, Love HK" encourages Hong Kong residents to move their creative energy into innovative initiatives that support our community and put forth their projects for public voting.
To drive social and viral engagement, the themes adopted for advertisements in Round 1 and Round 2 had been "Hong Kong Cityscape" and "Collective Memory" respectively. This time, the theme will focus on Hong Kong's core values of freedom, equity and care.
The first two rounds of "Love Ideas, Love HK" generated unprecedented participation and interaction. People submitted 2,100 ideas and casted 1.3 million votes either through the official web site or via the phone. Round 3 will continue on this spirit of fair, just and open election, and any Hong Kong resident is welcome to submit his / her proposals online between 3 and 23 May.
The Hong Kong Council of Social Service ("HKCSS") and St James' Settlement will once again serve as the consulting and support organisations, joining hands with LKSF to advocate the spirit of helping one another through community service.
Anyone can submit his / her proposals and the application procedures are simple: one only needs to submit his / her projects at, describing why these projects merit support. Applicants may also use social media tools to encourage voting from Hong Kong residents. The grant categories of the programme are as follows:
Round 3's newly added accolade: Professional Awards
To encourage active participation from charitable organisations, HKCSS and St James' will assist in forming a judging panel to choose two winning projects from the grantees, which will further receive a combined HK$1.4 million to serve more of those in need.
LKSF has created a dedicated Facebook fan page ( for "Love Ideas, Love HK" in order to increase the younger generation's participation. Hong Kong residents can submit their love idea proposals through the programme's homepage Through the new social platform, applicants can exchange ideas as well as promote their projects and solicit support from the public.
As in previous rounds, Round 3 will also continue to randomly select project applicants to record short messages and introduce and promote their proposals through radio broadcasts.
"Love Ideas, Love HK" is one of the programmes of LKSF's HK$300 million philanthropic campaign "Love HK Your Way!", a major interactive philanthropic programme that combines the power of technology, charity and community awareness.
Over a hundred projects in Round 1 were completed. Projects that have received grants in both rounds have been uploaded to for people to browse and inspire others to help their communities.
"Love Ideas, Love HK" allows applicants to freely choose whom they want to serve, what creative and love ideas they would like to propose and a conduit to solicit public support. Similarly, people in Hong Kong can also vote freely for their favourite projects, in a way to realise the ultimate goal of "Love HK Your Way!"
Applications for Round 3 are accepted from 3 May until 23 May, and voting will take place from 18 June to 8 July. Winners will be announced on 12 July, and they will receive grants 30 days following the result announcement at the earliest. For more information, please refer to
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The theme for "Love Ideas, Love HK" Round 3 focuses on 'Hong Kong's core values of freedom, equity and care, and is presented through a very popular social media game. |
About the Li Ka Shing Foundation
The Li Ka Shing Foundation was established in 1980 by global entrepreneur and philanthropist Li Ka-shing. Mr Li considers the Foundation to be his "third son" and has pledged one-third of his assets to it. To date, the Foundation has granted over HK$12.8 billion (US$1.64 billion) in charitable donations, approximately 90 per cent of which has gone to the Greater China region.
The Foundation supports projects that propel social progress and create a cycle of charity in the world through expanding access to quality education and healthcare, encouraging cultural diversity and exploration, and stimulating community involvement and sustainable development. For more information, please visit: .
For media enquiries, please contact:
Li Ka Shing Foundation
Jeremy Lau
Tel: (852) 2128 1207
Fax: (852) 2128 1766
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