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(Hong Kong, 12 July 2012) Round 3 of "Love Ideas, Love HK" logged a record high of 2,750,000 votes casted by 630,000 registered voters in support of 337 projects# that care for the local community and issues that affect their lives.
Round 3 in Numbers:
Table 1: Statistics of elected projects and grant amount
Compare to Round 2, total number of votes returned and total of registered voters increased 1.5 times and 70 per cent respectively. In view of this enthusiastic public support, Round 3's grants apportionment will be increased to 30 per cent, bringing the total grants to over HK$47 million.
The 311 projects voted in by the public covers a wide spectrum of services and local communities like elderly care, child education, benefits for the disabled, as well as local cultural preservation.
Mr Li Ka-shing, Chairman of LKSF, said the level of innovative engagement and participation showcased the commitment of many Hong Kong citizens to their communities. As in the previous rounds, Mr Li himself not only participated to vote, but also dug deeper into his own pocket with an additional HK$4.2 million in support of 30 ideas and services that he found of particular relevance to today's issues, including teenagers' initiatives to care for the community, environmental protection awareness, injecting positive energy to the unwell, as well as supporting low income groups and districts and making complimentary nutritious meal to the elderly.
Mr Li said, "I received quite a number of emails and letters that kindly shared their fun and challenges they faced and experienced through their participation. Some institutions have felt that the community efforts radiated from 'Love HK Your Way!' solidified community ties and family bonds when they rally for public support together. I do hope that this momentum will keep going."
For Round 3, a total of $47,493,466 will be granted to 337# projects including Mr Li's selection.
# Among the 30 additional projects selected by Mr Li, four projects were also voted in by public voters - they will receive funding from both grant pools.
Voting statistics
Embracing the mobile communications and social media trend, Round 3 opened up multiple channels for the public to vote. According to ESD Life, a member of Hutchison Whampoa Limited, more than 630,000 registered voters cast over 2,750,000 votes, reflecting their support and recognition towards to the campaign and the projects. Powered by the experience from the past two rounds, the voting system managed to reflect the real time voting development amid massive votes coming in from online, phones, Facebook and mobile devices.
Table 2: Voting statistics
Voted-in applicants will be emailed details of grant formalities and following verification, grants will be awarded within one month. A full list of the elected projects is available at
The Professional Awards, which aim to encourage active participation from charitable organisations and enhance project scale and sustainability, will be announced at the award ceremony. The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and St James' Settlement will join hand in choosing two winning projects from the successful grantees under the HK$300,000 category, which will further receive a combined HK$1.4 million to serve more of those in need.
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About the Li Ka Shing Foundation
The Li Ka Shing Foundation was established in 1980 by global entrepreneur and philanthropist Li Ka-shing. Mr Li considers the Foundation to be his "third son" and has pledged one-third of his assets to it. To date, the Foundation has granted over HK$12.8 billion (US$1.64 billion) in charitable donations, approximately 90 per cent of which has gone to the Greater China region.
The Foundation supports projects that propel social progress and create a cycle of charity in the world through expanding access to quality education and healthcare, encouraging cultural diversity and exploration, and stimulating community involvement and sustainable development. For more information, please visit:
For media enquiry, please contact:
Li Ka Shing Foundation
Jeremy Lau
Tel: 2128 1207
Fax: 2128 1766
Appendix I
A total of 311 projects totaling HK$43,343,056 in grants is elected by the public.
Appendix II
Projects awarded by Mr Li:
* Projects also selected by public voters will receive double the grants applied for.
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