Financial Highlights

HK$ millions
HK$ millions
Percentage change

    Company and subsidiary companies 44,590 36,662 +22%
    Share of associated companies 16,969 17,160 -1%

61,559 53,822 +14%

Earnings before interest expense and taxation
    Company and subsidiary companies 12,679 10,709 +18%
    Share of associated companies 3,744 4,208 -11%
   Interest income, including share of associated companies 3,423 2,324 +47%

Total earnings before interest expense and taxation (EBIT) 19,846 17,241 +15%

Interest expense, including share of associated companies 5,129 3,248 +58%

Profit before taxation 14,717 13,993 +5%
Taxation 1,179 1,311 -10%

Profit after taxation 13,538 12,682 +7%
Minority interests 1,272 662 +92%

Profit attributable to the shareholders 12,266 12,020 +2%

Total assets 200,743 131,579 +53%
Net debts 29,601 10,416 +184%
Shareholders' funds 85,589 68,899 +24%

Net assets per share - book value (HK$) 22.1 19.0 +16%
Earnings per share (HK$) 3.21 3.32 -3%
Dividends per share (HK$) 1.58 1.50 +5%

Dividend cover 2.0 2.1 -5%
Gearing 31.2% 14.0% +123%
Return on average shareholders' funds 15.9% 18.8% -15%

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