Annual Report 2018
101 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS PRINCIPAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES (continued) Risks and uncertainties relating to the Group’s business operations (continued) Certain measures to manage the impact on these potential risks and uncertainties are described in the heading “ BUSINESS REVIEW ” of the section of the “ MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ” of this annual report. Risks and uncertainties relating to the Group’s results and financial position 1. The following factors may have negative impact on the revenue and net results of the Group: a. Change in the mix of revenue contributions, such as the income of Steel cord segment from sales of steel cord for truck tyres, off the road truck tyres and passenger car tyres; b. Unfavorable economic development in the PRC and worldwide markets that may have negative impact on our Steel cord segment; c. Increased market and price competition for both Steel cord segment; and d. Failure to reduce production and operating costs, in particular, certain unit fixed production costs of Steel cord segment which are expected to be lowered by increase in sales and production volume. 主要風險和不明朗因素 (續) 關於本集團經營業務的風險和不明朗因素 (續) 管理該等潛在的風險和不明朗因素帶來的影響 之若干措施已在本年報「 管理層論述及分析 」一 節中「 業務回顧 」標題中描述。 關於本集團之業績及財務狀況的風險和不 明朗因素 1. 下列因素可能對本集團的營業額和淨利 潤有負面影響: a. 營業額貢獻組合的變化,例如鋼簾 線分部源自用於載重輪胎、工程輪 胎和轎車輪胎之鋼簾線銷售的收 入; b. 中國和世界各地市場的不理想經濟 發展可能會對鋼簾線分部造成負面 影響; c. 鋼簾線分部之市場和價格競爭增 加;及 d. 未能降低生產和營運成本,特別是 鋼簾線分部的某些固定單位生產成 本預期可以通過增加銷售和生產量 來降低。