Annual Report 2018
103 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS PRINCIPAL RISKS AND UNCERTAINTIES (continued) Risks and uncertainties relating to the Group’s results and financial position (continued) 3. T h e ma j o r i t y o f t h e r e v e n u e o f t h e G r o u p i s denominated in RMB, while approximately 45.6% of the interest bearing borrowings of the Group a t 31 December 2018 was i n HKD. At t r i but ab l e to the depreciation of the exchange rate of RMB by app r ox ima t e l y 4 . 8% ( 2017 : app r ec i a t i on o f approximately 6.7%) against HKD during the year under review, the Group incurred net foreign exchange loss of HK$20,771,000 (2017: net foreign exchange gain of HK$24,158,000) for the year. Hence, any movement of the exchange rate of RMB will have material impact to the results of operations of the Group. Furthermore, the results and financial position of the Group are denominated in RMB but presented in HKD for reporting purposes, therefore, the movement of the exchange rate of RMB will have impact to the financial position of the Group when translating the Group’s results and financial position into HKD. 4. The Group is required to conduct an impairment assessment on its property, plant and equipment on a regular basis in accordance with the Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards. Any future impairment l oss t o be r ecogn i sed o r r eve r sed depends on various factors including the general economic and financial conditions, market competitions, prevailing product selling price and market interest rates. Such impairment loss to be recognised or reversed will have material impact to the results of the Group, however, it is a non-cash item and therefore will not affect the future business operations and financial conditions of the Group. 主要風險和不明朗因素 (續) 關於本集團之業績及財務狀況的風險和不 明朗因素 (續) 3. 本集團大部分的收入來源以人民幣為單 位。於二零一八年十二月三十一日本集 團約 45.6% 的計息貸款以港幣為單位。 在本年度回顧,由於人民幣兌港幣之 匯率貶值約 4.8% (二零一七年:升值約 6.7% ),本集團於本年度錄得淨外幣匯 兌虧損港幣 20,771,000 元(二零一七年: 外幣滙兌收益港幣 24,158,000 元)。所 以,人民幣匯率的變動將對本集團的經 營業績造成重大影響。此外,本集團的 業績及財務狀況均以人民幣為單位,但 報告則以港幣呈列,因此,人民幣滙率 變動將在本集團之業績及財務狀況轉換 成港元時對本集團的財務狀況產生影響。 4. 本集團需要定期根據香港財務報告準則 對物業、廠房及設備進行減值測試。任 何被確認或撥回的未來減值損失取決於 多種因素,包括一般的經濟和金融狀 況、市場競爭、現行產品售價和市場利 率。該被確認或撥回的減值損失將對本 集團的業績有重大的影響。但是,減值 為一項非現金項目,因此不會影響到本 集團的未來經營業務和財務狀況。