Annual Report 2018
110 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS (continued) Fur t he rmor e , t he Group has s t a r t ed to a t t ach mor e importance to gender equality and the protection of women’s interests, as well as on the compliance with the related laws of Hong Kong such as the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, which the underlying principle is also enshrined in the Basic Law, and related laws of PRC such as the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests ( 《婦女 權益保障法》 ) and Special Rules on the Labour Protection of Female Employees ( 《女職工勞動保護特別規定》 ). To acquire further knowledge on this topic, we have nominated a representative to participate in activities related to gender equality and gender mainstreaming such as participating in Seminar on Gender Mainstreaming to unleash potential in the workplace (the “Seminar”) organised by the Women’s Commission (An organization which actively engages in activities in relation to women empowerment and advancement) in 2018 for the purpose of understanding the current role and status of women in business sector and different parties’ concerns on gender mainstreaming. In the light of the need to address these issues and to put our knowledge into practice, the “Policy on Prevention on Sexual Harassment at Workplace”has been formulated as a way of the Company to show respect to our employees, especially female employees. The Group also notes the importance on human resource management in which the respresentative of the Company has learnt from the Seminar that good human resource management on effective communication when handling verbal violence at work and such message has been conveyed. In addition, a new measureable objectives of 2019 has been adopted by the Board to promote a family friendly working culture to support employees with family care responsibilities so as to bring diversity to workplace. Further discussion on human resource management is also contained in the 2018 ESG Report. 遵守法律及規定 (續) 此外,本集團已開始越來越重視性別平等和保 護女性的權益,以及遵守相關香港法律,例 如《性別歧視條例》(其基本原則也列載於《基 本法》中)及相關中國法律,例如《婦女權益保 障法》和《女職工勞動保護特別規定》。為進一 步了解這一議題,本公司已派代表參加了由婦 女事務委員會(一個積極參與婦女賦權和晉升 的組織)於二零一八年舉辦的一些有關性別平 等和性別主流化的活動,例如參與如何由性別 主流化去推動職場潛力發展的研討會(「研討 會」),以了解女性目前在商界的角色和地位及 各方對性別主流化的關注。而為對上述事宜作 出回應及將這些學到的知識付諸實行,本集團 已制訂了《防止職場性騷擾政策》以表示本集團 對僱員(特別是女性僱員)的尊重。 本集團亦注意到人力資源管理的重要性,而本 公司代表亦從研討會上了解並已傳達良好人力 資源管理對有效地去處理工作間語言衝突時的 重要性的訊息。另外,董事會亦已通過採納二 零一九年的可計量目標,其目標為提倡家庭友 善的工作文化以支援有家庭照顧責任的僱員, 從而促進工作場所的多元化。進一步人力資源 管理之討論亦載列於二零一八年度環境、社會 及管治報告內。