Annual Report 2018
111 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS (continued) To ensure compliance with these requirements of laws, rules and regulations, the Company has implemented an effective internal control and approval procedures, and to obtain high level oversight of the operation of various business units. Any changes in the applicable laws, rules and regulations are brought to the attention of relevant employees and/or business units of the Group immediately. Certain discussion regarding the Group’s compliance with relevant laws and regulations which have a significant impact on the Group is also contained in the “ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ” section on pages 53 to 97 of this annual report and the 2018 ESG Report. RELATIONSHIPS WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS The Group’s success also depends on the support from key stakeholders which comprise employees, customers, suppliers, Shareholders, government and regulators, as well as banks and financial institutions (creditors). Employees Employees are regarded as the most important and valuable assets of the Group. Most of the management have been serving the Group for a long period of time. However, young talents are also provided with opportunities to work in the Group. The Group does not only offers competitive salaries and benefits, but also provides training programmes or courses for the Mainland employees at all levels from different departments, as well as Directors and employees of the Company in order to further enhance their management skills, expertise and knowledge, and at the same time, make continual contribution to the Group. Different activities such as celebration of Chinese New Year, celebration of the 10th anniversary since operation of steel cord plant of TESC, TESC’s safety quiz competition as well as annual dinner, celebration of staff’s birthday and celebration of office relocation of Shanghai office had been organized by various business units of the Group for general staffs together with the management to participate in order to strengthening their partnership and communication. 遵守法律及規定 (續) 為確保遵守該等法律、規則及規定的要求,本 公司已實施了有效的內部監控和審批程序,並 高度監督各業務單位的運作。任何有關適用的 法律、規則及規定的修改也將即時呈請相關僱 員及╱或本集團的業務單位垂注。本集團遵守 對有重大影響的相關法律及規定的若干討論亦 載列於本年報第 53 頁至 97 頁的「 企業管治報 告 」章節及二零一八年度環境、社會及管治報 告內。 與主要持份者的關係 本集團的成功亦依賴主要持份者,包括僱員、 客戶、供應商、股東、政府及監管機構,以及 銀行及金融機構(債權人)的支持。 僱員 僱員被視為本集團最重要及具價值的資產。大 部分管理層一直為本集團服務了很長時間。然 而,本集團亦提供工作機會給予年輕人才。本 集團不但提供具競爭力的薪酬及福利,亦分別 向國內各部門所有級別僱員及董事及本公司僱 員提供培訓計劃或課程,用以提升他們的管理 技巧,專業技能和知識,並同時向集團作出持 續貢獻。本集團不同業務單位不時組織活動, 例如春節聯歡晚會、滕州東方鋼簾線廠房的十 周年營運周年紀念及滕州東方安全知識競賽, 亦有周年晚宴、僱員生日慶祝及上海公司辦公 室喬遷等慶祝活動予一般僱員連同管理層一起 參與,從而加強彼此的合作關係及溝通。