Annual Report 2018

115 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS RESERVES Details of movements in the reserves of the Group and the Company during the year are set out in the consolidated statement of changes in equity on page 151 of this annual report and in note 36 to the consolidated financial statements. DONATIONS During the year, the Group made certain amount of charitable donations. DIRECTORS The Directors during the year and up to the date of this annual report were: Su Fanrong (Chairman and Managing Director) (re-designated as Chairman on 18 January 2018 and appointed as Managing Director on 31 January 2018) Tang Cornor Kwok Kau (Deputy Managing Director) Liao Jun (Non-executive Director) Yip Kin Man, Raymond (Independent Non-executive Director) Law, Yui Lun (Independent Non-executive Director) Lam Yiu Kin (Independent Non-executive Director) Li Shaofeng (resigned as Chairman on 18 January 2018) Leung Shun Sang, Tony (retired as Non-executive Director on 18 May 2018) Yang Kaiyu (resigned as Managing Director on 31 January 2018) The Directors are subject to retirement by rotation and re- election at the annual general meeting of the Company in accordance with articles 101 and 102 of the Articles. Messrs. Su Fanrong, Tang Cornor Kwok Kau and Liao Jun will retire from office by rotation and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting. 儲備 本集團及本公司之儲備於本年度之變動詳情載 列於本年報第 151 頁之綜合權益變動表及綜合 財務報告附註 36 。 捐款 於本年度內,本集團已作出若干慈善捐款。 董事 於本年度內及截至本年報日期之董事如下: 蘇凡荣 (董事長兼董事總經理) (於二零一八年一月十八日獲調任為董事長 及於二零一八年一月三十一日獲委任為董事 總經理) 鄧國求 (董事副總經理) 廖駿 (非執行董事) 葉健民 (獨立非執行董事) 羅裔麟 (獨立非執行董事) 林耀堅 (獨立非執行董事) 李少峰 (於二零一八年一月十八日辭任董事長) 梁順生 (於二零一八年五月十八日退任非執行董事) 楊開宇 (於二零一八年一月三十一日辭任董事總經理) 根據章程細則第 101 及 102 條之規定,董事須 於本公司股東周年大會上輪值卸任,惟可膺選 連任。蘇凡荣先生、鄧國求先生及廖駿先生在 即將舉行之股東周年大會上均輪值告退及願膺 選連任。