Annual Report 2018

116 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS DIRECTORS OF SUBSIDIARIES Messrs. Yang Kaiyu Note 1 , Su Fanrong and Tang Cornor Kwok Kau serve as directors of all subsidiaries of the Company during the year and up to the date of this report. Other than the above directors, the persons who serve/had served as directors of subsidiaries of the Company during the year and/or up to the date of this report include Messrs. Cheung Ngai, Tam Yui Ki Note 2 and Yu Zhigao. Note 1: Mr. Yang Kaiyu resigned as the directors of all subsidiaries of the Company with effect from 31 January 2018. Note 2: Mr. Tam Yui Ki resigned as the directors of Hing Cheong Metals (China & Hong Kong) Limited, Meta International Limited, Rise Boom International Limited, JESC, TESC, Wei Hua International Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and 東莞興銅五 金有限公司 (the subsidiaries of the Company) with effect from 20 June 2018. The list of subsidiaries of the Company is set out in the note 13 “ PRINCIPAL SUBSIDIARIES ” to the financial statements and below. • Rise Boom International Limited • Clear Vision Investments Limited • Efficient Investments Limited • Endless Inc. • Messiah Investments Limited • Online Investments Limited DIRECTORS’ SERVICE CONTRACTS No Director proposed for re-election at the forthcoming annual general meeting has a service contract with the Company which is not determinable by the Company within one year without payment of compensation (other than statutory compensation). 附屬公司董事 於本年度內及截至本年報日期,楊開宇先 生 附註 1 、蘇凡荣先生及鄧國求先生擔任本公司 之所有附屬公司董事。除上述董事外,張毅先 生、譚銳基先生 附註 2 及俞志高先生於本年度內 及╱或截至本年報日期擔任╱曾擔任本公司之 附屬公司董事。 附註 1: 楊開宇先生已辭任本公司所有附屬公司董 事,自二零一八年一月三十一日起生效。 附註 2: 譚銳基先生已辭任興昌五金(中港)有限公 司、萬大國際有限公司、盛興昌國際有限公 司、嘉興東方、滕州東方、巍華國際貿易(上 海)有限公司及東莞興銅五金有限公司(本公 司之附屬公司)之董事,自二零一八年六月 二十日起生效。 本公司附屬公司的名單載於財務報告附註 13 「 主要附屬公司 」及列載如下。 • Rise Boom International Limited • Clear Vision Investments Limited • Efficient Investments Limited • Endless Inc. • Messiah Investments Limited • Online Investments Limited 董事之服務合約 在即將舉行之股東周年大會上候選連任之董事 概無與本公司訂立不可由本公司於一年內終止 而毋須支付賠償(法定賠償除外)之服務合約。