Annual Report 2018
10 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事簡歷 BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS Mr. Liao Jun , aged 56, was appointed as a non-executive Director on 25 February 2015. Mr. Liao holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Physical Metallurgy from Central South Mining and Metallurgy Institute and Central South University of Technology respectively in China. He further achieved his Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science in College of Engineering, University of Michigan and Master of Business Administration in University of Michigan Ross School of Business Management. Mr. Liao was appointed as Divisional CEO Specialty Businesses in Bekaert group in March 2019. He now also acts as the Executive Vice President North Asia in Bekaert group and a member of the Bekaert Group Executive. Prior to joining Bekaert group, he had held various management positions of several reputable multinational corporations such as Dow Corning and Solvay. In all, Mr. Liao has over 15 years of experience in sales and management in industrial chemicals and polymers businesses. Other than his directorship disclosed above, Mr. Liao has not previously held any position with the Group and does not hold any directorship in the last three years in public companies the securities of which are listed on any securities market in Hong Kong or overseas. Mr. Liao does not have any relationship with any other Directors, senior management or substantial Shareholders or controlling Shareholders. At the date of this annual report, he does not have any interest in securities of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO. There is no service contract between Mr. Liao and the Company since he was nominated by Bekaert group as a non-executive Director according to the subscription agreement entered into by the Company and Bekaert dated 22 September 2006 and further agreement between Bekaert and the Company on 24 February 2015. However, he will also be subject to retirement by rotation and re-election at the annual general meetings of the Company in accordance with the Articles. He will receive a director’s fee as the Company may determine from time to time. At present, he receives a director’s fee of HK$150,000 per annum. The emoluments of Directors are determined by reference to the Company’s performance and profitability, as well as remuneration benchmark in the industry and the prevailing market conditions. 廖駿先生 ,年五十六歲。廖先生於二零一五年 二月二十五日獲委任為非執行董事。廖先生分 別於中國中南礦冶學院及中南大學取得物理冶 金學專業學士及碩士學位。彼亦取得密歇根大 學工程學院材料科學博士學位及密歇根大學羅 斯商學院工商管理碩士學位。 廖先生於二零一九年三月獲委任為 Bekaert 集 團專門業務分區首席執行官,彼現時亦擔任 Bekaert 集團北亞區執行副總裁及 Bekaert 集 團執行之成員。於加入 Bekaert 集團之前,彼 於數間具聲譽的跨國公司(例如道康寧及索爾 維)擔任多個管理層職位。總括而言,廖先生 於工業專用化學品及聚合物之業務擁有超過 十五年之銷售及管理經驗。 除上述所披露之董事職務外,廖先生從前並無 於本集團擔任任何職位,且於過去三年內並無 於香港或海外任何證券巿場上巿的公眾公司擔 任任何董事職務。廖先生與其他董事、高級管 理人員或主要股東或控股股東概無任何關係。 於本年報之日期,就證券及期貨條例第 XV 部 涵義,彼並無持有本公司任何證券權益。廖先 生與本公司並無服務合約,基於根據本公司於 二零零六年九月二十二日與 Bekaert 簽訂之認 購協議及於二零一五年二月二十四日 Bekaert 與本公司的進一步協議而獲 Bekaert 集團委派 為非執行董事。惟彼亦須按章程細則規定於本 公司之股東周年大會上輪值告退及膺選連任。 彼將收取不時由本公司釐訂之董事袍金。現 時,彼每年收取港幣 150,000 元之董事袍金。 董事之酬金按本公司之業績及盈利狀況,亦以 業界及當時市場環境而釐訂。