Annual Report 2018

120 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN SHARES, DEBENTURES OR UNDERLYING SHARES UNDER THE SFO (continued) Long position in Shares (continued) (b) Share options As at 31 December 2018, there were no outstanding share options of the Company granted to Directors under 2002 Scheme, details of which are summarised as follows: Options to subscribe for Shares 可認購股份之購股權 Name of Director Number of outstanding share options held at the beginning of the year Number of share options granted during the year Number of share options exercised during the year Number of share options lapsed/ cancelled during the year Date of exercise Number of outstanding share options held at the end of the year Date of grant Exercise period Exercise price per Share Capacity in which interests are held Approximate % of the total number of issued shares 董事姓名 年初持有之 尚未行使 購股權數目 年內授出 購股權數目 年內已行使 購股權數目 年內已 失效╱註銷 購股權數目 行使日期 年末持有之 尚未行使 購股權數目 授出日期 行使期限 每股 行使價 持有權益 之身份 約佔已發行 股份總數目 之百份比 Note (i) HK$ 附註 (i) 港幣 Mr. Tang 10,000,000 – – (10,000,000) Note (ii) – – 28/1/2008 28/1/2008 to 27/1/2018 0.864 Beneficial owner 實益擁有人 0.52 鄧先生 附註 (ii) 28/1/2008 至 27/1/2018 Yip Kin Man, Raymond (“Mr. Yip”) 1,800,000 – – (1,800,000) Note (ii) – – 28/1/2008 28/1/2008 to 27/1/2018 0.864 Beneficial owner 實益擁有人 0.09 葉健民(「葉先生」) 附註 (ii) 28/1/2008 至 27/1/2018 Law, Yui Lun (“Mr. Law”) 1,800,000 – – (1,800,000) Note (ii) – – 28/1/2008 28/1/2008 to 27/1/2018 0.864 Beneficial owner 實益擁有人 0.09 羅裔麟(「羅先生」) 附註 (ii) 28/1/2008 至 27/1/2018 13,600,000 – – (13,600,000) – 根據證券及期貨條例董事於股份、債 權證或相關股份之權益及淡倉 (續) 於股份之好倉 (續) (b) 購股權 於二零一八年十二月三十一日,根據二 零零二計劃已授予董事之本公司購股 權,並沒有未獲行使之本公司購股權, 有關詳情概述如下: