Annual Report 2018
121 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN SHARES, DEBENTURES OR UNDERLYING SHARES UNDER THE SFO (continued) Long position in Shares (continued) (b) Share options (continued) Notes: (i) The vesting period of the share options is from the date of grant to the beginning of the exercise period. (ii) A total of 13,600,000 share options at the exercise price of HK$0.864 held by Mr. Tang, Mr. Yip and Mr. Law lapsed during the year. (iii) Following the resignation of Mr. Li as an executive Director and chairman with effect from 18 January 2018, the 13,800,000 shares options held by Mr. Li, with the exercise price of HK$0.864 and the exercise period from 28 January 2008 to 27 January 2018, lapsed. (iv) Following the resignation of Mr. Yang as an executive Director and managing Director with effect from 31 January 2018, the 18,000,000 share options held by Mr. Yang, with the exercise price of HK$0.680 with and the exercise period ending on 12 July 2019, lapsed. (v) A total of 12,000,000 share options held by Mr. Leung who retired at the annual general meeting held on 18 May 2018 and did not offer himself for re-election with the exercise price of HK$0.864 and the exercise period from 28 January 2008 to 27 January 2018, lapsed during the year. The above share options are unlisted cash settled options granted pursuant to 2002 Scheme. Upon exercise of the share options in accordance with 2002 Scheme, ordinary shares of the Company are issuable. The share options are personal to the respective Directors. Other than the holdings and option holdings disclosed above, none of the Directors, chief executives and their associates had any interests or short positions in any Shares, debentures or underlying Shares or any of the Company’s associated corporations at 31 December 2018. 根據證券及期貨條例董事於股份、債 權證或相關股份之權益及淡倉 (續) 於股份之好倉 (續) (b) 購股權 (續) 附註: (i) 購股權授出日期起至行使期限開始歸屬。 (ii) 鄧先生、葉先生及羅先生持有的行使價為 港幣 0.864 元之合共 13,600,000 股購股權 於本年度失效。 (iii) 自李先生於二零一八年一月十八日辭任執 行董事兼董事長,李先生持有的行使價為 港幣 0.864 元及行使期限為二零零八年一 月二十八日至二零一八年一月二十七日之 合共 13,800,000 股購股權失效。 (iv) 自楊先生於二零一八年一月三十一日辭任 執行董事及董事總經理,楊先生持有的 行使價為港幣 0.680 元及行使期限到二零 一九年七月十二日止之合共 18,000,000 股 購股權失效。 (v) 梁先生(於二零一八年五月十八日舉行的 股東周年大會退任,並不膺選連任)持有 的行使價為港幣 0.864 元之共 12,000,000 股購股權於本年度失效。 上述購股權乃根據二零零二計劃授出之非上市 現金結算購股權。在根據二零零二計劃行使購 股權時,須發行本公司之普通股。購股權屬各 董事個人所有。 除了以上披露之股權及購股權外,於二零一八 年十二月三十一日,並無董事、最高行政人員 及其聯繫人擁有本公司或其任何相聯法團之任 何股份、債權證或相關股份之權益或淡倉。