Annual Report 2018
128 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS IN CONTRACTS Details of the contract of significance between the Group, Shougang Group, Shougang Fund, Shougang HK and its subsidiaries are set out under the heading “RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS” hereunder and/or in note 35 to the financial statements. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The Company is committed to practicing and achieving a high standard of corporate governance and the Board has approved and adopted the SCCHL Corporate Governance Code on terms no less exacting than those set out in the provisions of the Code. Further information on the Company’s Corporate Governance Code is set out in the “ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ” on pages 53 to 97 of this annual report. PURCHASE, SALE OR REDEMPTION OF LISTED SECURITIES Neither the Company, nor any of its subsidiaries had purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company’s listed securities during the year. PERMITTED INDEMNITY PROVISION The Company has arranged appropriate Directors’ and officers’ liability insurance coverage in respect of legal actions brought for committed or alleged wrongful acts against the Directors and officers of the Group throughout the year, but exclude any criminal, dishonest or fraudulent acts or omission. 主要股東在合約中之權益 本集團與首鋼集團、首鋼基金、首控香港及其 附屬公司訂立之重大合約之詳情載列於以下 「有關連人士交易」標題內及╱或財務報告附註 35 。 企業管治 本公司致力履行及達至一個高標準的企業管治 水平,董事會已批准及採納首長寶佳企業管治 守則,有關條文不比守則所列出的條文寬鬆。 本公司之企業管治守則之進一步資料載列於本 年報第 53 頁至 97 頁之「 企業管治報告 」內。 購買、出售或贖回上市證券 於本年度內,本公司或其任何附屬公司概無購 買、出售或贖回本公司之上巿證券。 獲准許彌償條文 於年內,本公司已就其董事及高級管理人員因 實施或涉嫌過失行為(但不包括任何刑事、不 誠實或欺詐行為或疏忽)而面對的法律行動, 安排適當的董事及高級管理人員責任保險。