Annual Report 2018
132 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) Tenancy Agreement (continued) In addition, the internal auditor had conducted an internal control review on continuing connected transaction of the Group and checked whether internal control procedures were sufficient to ensure that the transaction could be conducted on normal commercial terms and not prejudicial to the interests of the Company’s minority Shareholders, and had provided the findings to the independent non- executive Directors to assist them in performing their annual review. Based on the information provided by the management of the Company and findings from internal auditor, the independent non-executive Directors confirmed that the internal control procedures governing the control of continuing connected transaction were appropriate and in place, and also noted that the continuing connected transaction had been reviewed the Company’s internal auditor. Details of the Tenancy Agreement and the termination of the Tenancy Agreement were also disclosed in the announcement of the Company dated 23 December 2016 and 13 July 2018 respectively. 有關連人士交易 (續) 租賃協議 (續) 此外,內部核數師已對本集團的持續關連交易 披露進行了內部監控審查及檢視該內部監控程 序是否足夠保證交易能在一般商務條款進行且 並不對本公司的小股東利益構成不利,並將結 論提呈獨立非執行董事,協助彼等進行年度審 查。根據本公司管理層提供的資料及內部核數 師的結論,獨立非執行董事確定本公司已設有 適當的內部監控程序,及知悉該持續關連交易 已獲本公司內部核數師檢視。 有關該租賃協議及終止租賃協議之詳情可參考 本公司日期分別為二零一六年十二月二十三日 及二零一八年七月十三日的公告。