Annual Report 2018
135 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 董事會報告書 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS EMOLUMENT POLICY The emo l umen t po l i cy r ega r d i ng t he emp l oyees o f the Group is based on their merit, qualifications and competence as well as the prevailing market condition of the industry. Remuneration packages, which include an element of discretionary bonuses, are generally reviewed annually. The emoluments of the Directors are decided by the remuneration committee, having regard to individual performance, the Company’s performance and profitability, remuneration benchmark in the industry and prevailing market condition. In addition, the Company has adopted a share option scheme as incentive/reward to Directors and eligible participants/qualifying grantees, details of the scheme are set out in note 34 to the financial statements and the heading “ DIRECTORS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS IN SHARES, DEBENTURES OR UNDERLYING SHARES UNDER THE SFO ” here above. SUFFICIENCY OF PUBLIC FLOAT Based on information that is publicly available to the Company and within the knowledge of the Directors, the Company has maintained sufficient public float as required under the Listing Rules during the year and as at the latest practicable date, 21 March 2019 prior to the issue of the annual report. MAJOR CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS For the year under review, the revenue from sales to the Group’s five largest customers accounted for approximately 48.3% (2017: 42.2%) of total revenue of the Group and the revenue from sales to the largest customer included therein amounted to approximately 16.5% (2017: 14.4%) of total revenue of the Group. Purchases from the Group’s five largest suppliers accounted for approximately 61.8% (2017: 47.1%) of total purchases of the Group for the year and purchases from the largest supplier, included therein amounted to approximately 17.1% (2017: 24.5%) of total purchases of the Group for the year. 酬金政策 本集團僱員之薪酬主要根據僱員之價值、資 格、能力以及業界當時市場狀況而釐訂。彼等 之酬金包括酌情發放之花紅,一般會每年予以 檢討。董事之酬金乃由薪酬委員會參照董事之 個人表現、本公司之業績表現及盈利狀況、亦 以業界指標及當時市場狀況而定。 此外,本公司採納一項購股權計劃作為給予董 事及合資格人士╱合資格承授人之獎勵╱報 酬,有關該計劃之資料載列於財務報告附註 34 及上述所列「 根據證券及期貨條例董事於股 份、債權證或相關股份之權益及淡倉 」之標題 內。 足夠公眾持股量 根據本公司從公開途徑所得之資料及據董事所 知,本公司於本年內及於本年報刊發前最後實 際可行日期,即二零一九年三月二十一日,一 直維持上巿規則所規定之足夠公眾持股量。 主要客戶與供應商 於本年度回顧,本集團銷售予首五大客戶之營 業額,約佔本年度本集團總營業額之 48.3% (二零一七年: 42.2% ),其中銷售予最大客戶 的營業額約佔本年度本集團總營業額之 16.5% (二零一七年: 14.4% )。 本集團向首五大供應商作出之採購,約佔本 年度本集團總採購額之 61.8% (二零一七年: 47.1% ),其中向最大供應商作出之採購額約 佔本年度本集團總採購額之 17.1% (二零一七 年: 24.5% )。