Annual Report 2018
141 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 獨立核數師報告 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Key Audit Matter How our audit addressed the Key Audit Matter 關鍵審計事項 我們的審計如何處理關鍵審計事項 (2) Impairment assessment of trade receivables 應收款項減值評估 Refer to Note 3.1(b)(ii) (financial risk factors), Note 4(c) (critical accounting judgements and key sources o f es t ima t i on unce r t a i n t y ) and No t e 22 ( t r ade receivables/bills receivable) to the consolidated financial statements 有關事項的披露,請參閱綜合財務報表附註 31(b)(ii) (財 務風險因素), 4(c) (重大會計判斷和估計不確定因素之主 要來源)及附註 22 (應收賬款╱應收票據) As at 31 December 2018, the Group had gross trade receivables of HK$711,055,000 and provision f or impa i rmen t l osses on t r ade r ece i vab l es o f HK$20 , 124 , 000 . Prov i s i on i s made for l i f et ime expected credit losses on trade receivables. 於二零一八年十二月三十一日, 貴集團的應收賬款 總額為港幣 711,055,000 元,應收賬款減值撥備港幣 20,124,000 元。 貴集團就應收賬款的全期預期信貸虧 損計提撥備。 Management applied judgement in assessing the expected credit losses. Trade receivables relating to customers with known financial difficulties or those not responding to collection activities are assessed individually for provision for impairment loss. Expected credit losses are then estimated by grouping the trade receivables based on shared credit risk characteristics and ageing profile and collectively assessed for likelihood of recovery. The expected credit loss rates are determined based on historical credit losses experienced over the past 3 years and adjusted to reflect current and forward- looking information including macroeconomic factors affecting the ability of the customers to settle the receivables. 管理層運用判斷評估預期信貸虧損,對於已知存在財務 困難的客戶或回收性存在重大疑問的應收款項會就計提 減值撥備時做出個別評估。在估計預期信貸虧損時,其 餘的應收賬款亦會根據客戶性質、賬齡組別按照其分戰 分佔信貸風險特征進行分類。預期信貸虧損率乃根據過 往三年出現的歷史信貸虧損確定,並經調整以反映現時 及前瞻性資料,例如有關影響客戶償付應收款項能力的 宏觀經濟因素。 Our procedures in relation to management’s assessment of the expected credit losses for trade receivables included the following: 我們對有關管理層評估應收賬款預期信貸虧損之審計 程序包括: We understood, evaluated and validated the key controls over credit procedures performed by management, including the periodic review of aged receivables and the assessment of the expected credit losses for trade receivables, including the identification of trade receivables subject to individual and collective assessments. 我們理解,評估和驗證管理層執行的關鍵信用監控程 序,包括其對定期翻閱預期應收款項及評估應收款項 預期信貸虧損準備的程序,包括認定應收賬款的個別 評估和集體評估。 We obtained management’s assessment of the expected credit losses for trade receivables and tested the accuracy of the ageing profile of trade receivables by checking to the underlying invoices on a sample basis. 我們取得了管理層對應收賬款預期信貸虧損的評估, 並通過抽樣檢查發票測試了應收款項賬齡記錄的準確 性。 We c i r cu l a t ed con f i rma t i ons t o con f i rm t he balances due from customers on a sample basis. 我們以抽樣方式傳閱了確認函以確認客戶的應付餘額。