Annual Report 2018
232 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 綜合財務報告附註 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10 僱員福利開支 10 Employee benefit expense Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 Wages, salaries, allowances and other benefits 薪金、工資、津貼及 其他福利 202,465 170,383 Pension costs – defined contributed plans 退休福利計劃之供款 312 576 Pension costs – social securities in the PRC 退休福利計劃之位於 中國的社會保障金 22,791 23,651 225,568 194,610 Five highest paid individuals The five individuals whose emoluments were the highest in the Group for the year ended 31 December 2018 included three (2017: three) directors whose emoluments are reflected in the analysis shown in Note 37. The emoluments payable to the remaining two (2017: two) individuals during the year are as follows: Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 Salaries, allowances and other benefits 薪金、津貼及其他福利 2,619 3,124 Discretionary bonuses 表現相關的花紅 291 9 Pension costs – defined contribution plans 退休福利計劃之供款 126 36 3,036 3,169 最高五位薪酬之僱員 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年 度,本集團薪酬最高的五名個人包括三 名(二零一七年:三名)董事,其酬金已 反映於附註 37 所示的分析中。年內應付 餘下兩名(二零一七年:兩名)僱員的薪 酬如下: