Annual Report 2018
237 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度 綜合財務報告附註 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 12 Income tax credit (continued) Notes: i. The weighted average applicable tax rate was 4.9% for the year ended 31 December 2018 (2017: 21.9%). The change is carried by a change in the profitability mix of the Group’s subsidiaries in the respective countries. ii. The Group obtained an incentive from the PRC tax authority relating to the research and development expenses of a subsidiary in the PRC. Under such tax incentive rule, the Group may claim an additional tax deduction up to 75% (2017: 50%) of the relevant research and development expenses incurred in a year approved by the PRC tax authority. iii. The withholding tax rates on interest income earned from entities in the PRC was 7%. 13 Subsidiaries The following is a list of principal subsidiaries as at 31 December 2017 and 2018: Name of subsidiaries Place of incorporation/ registration and operation Issued and paid-up capital Attributable equity interest of the Group Principal activities 附屬公司名稱 成立╱註冊及經營地點 已發行及繳足股本 本集團應佔股權百分比 主要業務 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 Bigland Investment Limited 大龍投資有限公司 Hong Kong/PRC 香港╱中國 2 ordinary shares 2 股普通股 100% 100% Property investment 物業投資 Eastern Century Metal Products Limited 寶佳金屬制品有限公司 Hong Kong 香港 1,000,000 ordinary shares 1,000,000 股普通股 100% 100% Trading of metals and investment holding 金屬貿易及投資控股 Everwinner Investments Limited 永宏利投資有限公司 Hong Kong 香港 1,000,000 ordinary shares 1,000,000 股普通股 100% 100% Investment holding 投資控股 Fair Win Development Limited 輝榮發展有限公司 Hong Kong/PRC 香港╱中國 500,000 ordinary shares 500,000 股普通股 100% 100% Property investment 物業投資 Heroland Investment Limited 天雄投資有限公司 Hong Kong 香港 2 ordinary shares 2 股普通股 100% 100% Property investment 物業投資 12 所得稅抵免 (續) 附註 : i. 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度, 加權平均適用稅率為 4.9% (二零一七年: 21.9% )。變動乃由於本集團於各國的附 屬公司盈利能力組合出現變化所致。 ii. 本集團向中國稅務機關取得有關中國附屬 公司研發開支的優惠。根據該稅務優惠條 款,本集團可向中國稅務機關申請的當 年發生的相關研發費用的 75% (二零一七 年: 50 %)的額外稅收減免。 iii. 賺取自中國實體之利息收入的預提稅稅率 為 7% 。 13 附屬公司 截至截至二零一七年及二零一八年十二 月三十一日止,主要附屬公司之詳情如 下: