Annual Report 2018
267 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2018 截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度 綜合財務報告附註 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 27 Loans from related companies (Continued) Notes: (i) The amount represents the loan from and interest payable to Shougang (Hong Kong) Finance Company Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang Holding (Hong Kong) Limited (“Shougang HK”). The Company is an associate of Shougang HK. The loan is unsecured, bears interest at 5% to 6% per annum (2017: 6% per annum) and repayable within one year (2017: same). (ii) On 29 June 2016, TESC had entered into an agreement (the “Agreement”) with South China Leasing whereby TESC had drawn down a loan of RMB70,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$81,159,000) from South China Leasing on 16 August 2016 on a sale and leaseback arrangement, which was to be repayable by 12 quarterly instalments plus interest at 5.13% per annum and obligated to pay lease handling fee of RMB2,100,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$2,454,000). South China Leasing is an indirect 75% owned subsidiary of Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited, which is in turn held as to approximately 50.53% by Shougang HK. As such, South China Leasing is an associate of Shougang HK. As collaterals for the above financing, (i) TESC transferred the ownership title of certain machineries and equipment (“Machineries and Equipment”) to South China Leasing; (ii) TESC placed a pledged deposit of RMB7,000,000 (equivalent to approximately HK$7,989,000 (2017: HK$8,374,000)) to South China Leasing; and (iii) the Company entered into a guarantee agreement in favour of South China Leasing for the payment obligations of TESC under the Agreement. Upon discharging TESC’s obligations under the Agreement, South China Leasing will return the ownership title of the Machineries and Equipment to TESC for a nominal purchase price of RMB1,000. Despite the Agreement involves a legal form of a lease, the Group accounted for the Agreement as collateralised borrowing in accordance with the actual substance of the Agreement. 27 來自有關連公司之貸款 (續) 附註: (i) 該金額代表來自首鋼控股(香港)有限公司 (「首控香港」)之一間全資附屬公司-首鋼 (香港)財務有限公司的貸款及應付利息。 本公司是首控香港的聯營公司。該貸款為 無抵押,以 5% 至 6% 之年利率(二零一七 年: 6% 之年利率)計算利息及於一年內償 還(二零一七年:相同)。 (ii) 於二零一六年六月二十九日,滕州東方 與南方租賃訂立一項協議(「該協議」), 據此,於二零一六年八月十六日在一出 售及回租安排上滕州東方從南方租賃提 取人民幣 70,000,000 元(等值約為港幣 81,159,000 元)作為貸款,需分 12 期按季 加上以 5.13% 之年利率計算利息償還及需 繳付租賃手續費人民幣 2,100,000 元(等值 約為港幣 2,454,000 元)。南方租賃為一間 由首長四方(集團)有限公司(由首控香港 持有約 50.53% 權益)間接持有 75% 權益的 附屬公司。因此,南方租賃為首控香港的 聯營公司。 作為上述融資的抵押品: (i) 滕州東方向南方租賃若干轉讓機器 及設備(「機器及設備」)的所有權; (ii) 滕州東方在南方租賃存置人民 幣 7,000,000 元( 等 值 約 為 港 幣 7,989,000 元(二零一七年:港幣 8,374,000 元))的已抵押按金;及 (iii) 本公司為滕州東方該協議項下所須 承擔付款義務訂立以南方租賃為受 益人的擔保。 在滕州東方於該協議項下的所有義務解 除時,南方租賃將會以人民幣 1,000 元的 象徵性購買價格向滕州東方返還機器及 設備的所有權。儘管該協議涉及租賃的 法定形式,但本集團根據該協議的實際 內容將該協議列作已抵押借款。