Annual Report 2018

27 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Copper and brass products Overall performance To carry out the management’s decision to downsize Copper and brass products segment in latter part of 2017, the PRC business has ceased factory operation in September 2018. Most of the employees were redundant. The sales volume of this segment decreased by 61.9% as compared to last year, while revenue of this segment also decreased by 57.0%. Despite that management had adopted strict operating cost control, this segment had changed from operating profit of HK$2,127,000 last year to operating loss of HK$3,860,000 this year. Revenue Attributable to the retracting of Copper and brass products segment, this segment sold 2,527 tonnes of copper and brass products during the year, decreased by 61.9% as compared to 6,627 tonnes last year. The sales to customers in the PRC decreased year-on-year by 55.9%, and no sales to customers in Hong Kong was made during the year. The breakdown of sales volume of this segment for the year by geographical regions is as follows: 2018 二零一八年 2017 二零一七年 Sales volume (Tonne) % of total sales volume Sales volume (Tonne) % of total sales volume % change 銷售量 (噸) 佔總 銷售量 百分比 (%) 銷售量 (噸) 佔總 銷售量 百分比 (%) 變動 (%) PRC 中國 2,527 100.0 5,733 86.5 -55.9 Hong Kong 香港 – – 894 13.5 -100.0 Total 總計 2,527 100.0 6,627 100.0 -61.9 This segment recorded a decrease in revenue of 57.0% as compared to last year to HK$131,177,000 (2017: HK$305,405,000) for the year. 銅及黃銅材料 整體表現 於二零一七年下半年為執行管理層的決定縮減 銅及黃銅材料分部,中國業務於二零一八年九 月已停止工廠營運。大部分僱員均被遣散。此 分部的銷售量較去年減少 61.9% ,而此分部的 營業額亦減少 57.0% 。儘管管理層已採取嚴格 的營運成本控制,但此分部已從去年的經營溢 利港幣 2,127,000 元變為本年的經營虧損港幣 3,860,000 元。 營業額 歸因於縮減銅及黃銅材料分部,此分部於本年 度銷售 2,527 噸銅及黃銅材料,較去年 6,627 噸減少 61.9% 。中國的客戶銷售同比下降 55.9% ,而於本年度並無向香港客戶作出銷 售。此分部於本年度銷售量按地域位置明細如 下: 此分部於本年度錄得營業額比去年減少 57.0% 至港幣 131,177,000 元(二零一七年:港幣 305,405,000 元)。