Annual Report 2018

30 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS FINANCIAL REVIEW The Group reported net loss of HK$8,681,000 for the year, markedly improved from the net loss of HK$68,518,000 for last year. The operating performance and key financial information of the Group for the year are analysed as follows: 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 HK$’000 HK$’000 Change 港幣千元 港幣千元 變動 OPERATING PERFORMANCE 經營表現 Revenue 營業額 2,254,170 2,113,258 +6.7% Gross profit margin (%) 毛利率 (%) 11.9 9.3 +2.6pp EBITDA EBITDA 179,293 104,096 +72.2% EBITDA margin (%) EBITDA 率 (%) 8.0 4.9 +3.1pp Loss for the year 本年度虧損 (8,681) (68,518) -87.3% Net loss margin (%) 淨虧損率 (%) -0.4 -3.2 +2.8pp Basic loss per share (HK cents) 每股基本虧損(港仙) (0.45) (3.56) -87.4% At 31 December 於十二月三十一日 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 HK$’000 HK$’000 % Change 港幣千元 港幣千元 變動 (%) KEY FINANCIAL INFORMATION 關鍵財務資料 Total assets 資產總額 3,414,467 3,444,076 -0.9 Total liabilities 負債總額 2,075,317 2,052,548 +1.1 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 本公司擁有人 應佔之權益 1,339,150 1,391,528 -3.8 Net current assets 流動資產淨額 335,348 295,752 +13.4 Bank balances and cash (including pledged deposits) 銀行結存及現金 (包括已抵押存款) 145,312 270,339 -46.2 Total interest bearing borrowings 計息貸款總額 1,100,809 1,049,010 +4.9 Net interest bearing borrowings (Note) 計息貸款淨額 (附註) 955,497 778,671 +22.7 Note: Net interest bearing borrowings represents total interest bearing borrowings less bank balances and cash (including pledged bank deposits). 財務回顧 於本年度,本集團錄得淨虧損港幣 8,681,000 元,較去年淨虧損港幣 68,518,000 元有顯著 改善。本集團於本年度經營表現及主要財務資 料分析如下: 附註:計息貸款淨額指計息貸款總額減銀行結存及現金 (包括已抵押銀行存款)。