Annual Report 2018

31 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The Group recorded EBITDA of HK$179,293,000 for the year, increased by 72.2% as compared to HK$104,096,000 for the previous year. Revenue Revenue of the Group amounted to HK$2,254,170,000 (2017: HK$2,113,258,000) for the year, increased by 6.7% over last year. The strong year on year growth in percentage of Steel cord segment of 17.5% was impacted by the decline in Copper and brass products segment of 57% to yield at overall rate of 6.7%. The breakdown of revenue of the Group for the year is as follows: 2018 二零一八年 2017 二零一七年 HK$’000 % of total revenue HK$’000 % of total revenue % change 港幣千元 佔總 營業額 百分比 (%) 港幣千元 佔總 營業額 百分比 (%) 變動 (%) Steel cord 鋼簾線 2,121,189 94.1 1,805,523 85.4 +17.5 Copper and brass products 銅及黃銅材料 131,177 5.8 305,405 14.5 -57.0 Sub-total 小計 2,252,366 99.9 2,110,928 99.9 +6.7 Property rental 物業租賃 1,804 0.1 2,330 0.1 -22.6 Total 總計 2,254,170 100.0 2,113,258 100.0 +6.7 本 年 度 , 本 集 團 錄 得 EBITDA 港 幣 179,293,000 元,比去年報港幣 104,096,000 元上升 72.2% 。 營業額 於 本 年 度 , 本 集 團 之 營 業 額 報 港 幣 2,254,170,000 元( 二 零 一 七 年 : 港 幣 2,113,258,000 元),比去年上升 6.7% 。鋼簾 線分部的比例同比強勁增長 17.5% ,但受銅及 黃銅材料分部下跌 57% 的影響,令整體上升 6.7% 。於本年度本集團營業額明細如下: