Annual Report 2018

32 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Gross profit Gross profit of the Group significantly increased by 36.4% over last year to HK$267,467,000 (2017: HK$196,065,000) for the year, which was mainly due to the increase of gross profit of Steel cord segment from higher sales volume and sales prices from May and June to second half of 2018. Gross profit margin of the Group also increased by 2.6 percentage points to 11.9% for the year as compared to last year, with Steel cord segment gross profit margin of 12.5%. The breakdown of gross profit of the Group for the year is as follows: 2018 二零一八年 2017 二零一七年 HK$’000 Gross profit margin (%) HK$’000 Gross profit margin (%) % change 港幣千元 毛利率 (%) 港幣千元 毛利率 (%) 變動 (%) Steel cord 鋼簾線 265,397 12.5 186,543 10.3 +42.3 Copper and brass products 銅及黃銅材料 363 0.3 7,412 2.4 -95.1 Property rental 物業租賃 1,707 94.6 2,110 90.6 -19.1 Total 總計 267,467 11.9 196,065 9.3 +36.4 Other income Ot he r i ncome i nc r eased by 9 . 9% ove r l as t yea r t o HK$3,756,000 (2017: HK$3,418,000) for the year, primarily due to government grant increased as compared to last year. 毛利 於本年度,本集團之毛利比去年大幅增加 36.4% 至港幣 267,467,000 元(二零一七年: 港幣 196,065,000 元),主要由於二零一八年 五月及至六月至二零一八年下半年較高銷售量 及銷售價格上升導致鋼簾線分部毛利增加。 本集團毛利率亦比去年上升 2.6 個百分點至至 11.9% ,其中鋼簾線分部毛利率為 12.5% 。於 本年度本集團毛利明細如下: 其他收入 於本年度,其他收入比去年上升 9.9% 至港幣 3,756,000 元(二零一七年:港幣 3,418,000 元),主要由於政府補貼較去年增加。