Annual Report 2018

35 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS Segment results The Group recorded operating profit of HK$89,404,000 from its business segments for the year, as compared to operating loss of HK$44,979,000 last year. The breakdown of the operating profit (loss) of the Group’s business segments for the year is as follows: 2018 2017 二零一八年 二零一七年 HK$’000 HK$’000 % change 港幣千元 港幣千元 變動 (%) Steel cord 鋼簾線 93,264 (47,106) N/A 不適用 Copper and brass products 銅及黃銅材料 (3,860) 2,127 N/A 不適用 Total 總計 89,404 (44,979) N/A 不適用 Finance cost, net Net finance costs amounted to HK$78,630,000 for the year, increased by 6.6 times as compared to HK$10,411,000 last year. The overall increase on finance cost was mainly attributable to foreign exchange loss directly related to interest bearing borrowings (included bank and related companies) of HK$24,541,000 for the year, while foreign exchange gain directly related to interest bearing borrowings was HK$41,677,000 for the year of 2017. The foreign exchange loss in 2018 was due to depreciation of RMB to HKD at approximately 4.8% during the year against appreciation of 6.7% last year. The increase in interest income was mainly derived from the increase in interest rate for the year ranging from 0.3% to 1.75% of pledged bank deposit. The ban k bo r r ow i ng p r i nc i pa l o f HK$200 , 000 , 000 outstanding during last year was repaid by a bridging loan granted by Shougang HK which has been classified as loans from related company since December 2017 to present, with the same principal amount of HK$200,000,000. This in turn caused the increase of the item “Interest expenses on loans from related companies” amounted to HK$12,790,000 (2017: HK$5,169,000), representing an increase of 1.5 times. 分部業績 本集團於本年度的業務分部錄得經營溢利港幣 89,404,000 元,而去年則錄得經營虧損港幣 44,979,000 元。本年度本集團業務分部經營 溢利(虧損)明細如下: 財務成本淨額 於 本 年 度 , 財 務 成 本 報 淨 額 總 計 港 幣 78,630,000 元,比去年報港幣 10,411,000 元 上升 6.6 倍,該整體財務成本升幅主要歸因於 本年度與計息貸款(包括銀行及有關連公司)直 接相關的外幣匯兌虧損港幣 24,541,000 元, 而於二零一七年與計息貸款直接相關的則為外 幣匯兌收益港幣 41,677,000 元。二零一八年 的外幣匯兌虧損是由於人民幣兌港元匯率於本 年度貶值約 4.8% ,而去年則升值 6.7% 。 利息收入的增加主要來源自本年度利率為 0.3 %至 1.75 %不等之已抵押銀行存款之利率 上升所致。 於去年尚欠銀行貸款之本金港幣 200,000,000 元已由首控香港提供本金額相等於港幣 200,000,000 元的過橋貸款償還,該貸款自二 零一七年十二月起至目前已分類為有關連公司 的貸款。這導致「有關連公司貸款利息支出」項 目增加 1.5 倍至港幣 12,790,000 元(二零一七 年:港幣 5,169,000 元)。