Annual Report 2018

39 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS In respect of the trade receivables at 31 December 2018, approximately 51.0% has been subsequently settled by cash or bills receivable up to 11 March 2019. The details of subsequent settlement of trade receivables of the Group and from top five customers of the Group for the year are as follows: Total trade receivables of the Group 本集團總應收賬款 Trade receivables from top five customers of the Group 本集團首五大客戶的應收賬款 Amount at 31 December 2018 % of subsequent settlement Amount at 31 December 2018 % of subsequent settlement 於 二零一八年 十二月三十一日 的金額 其後收款 之百分比 (%) 於 二零一八年 十二月三十一日 的金額 其後收款 之百分比 (%) HK$’000 HK$’000 Age 賬齡 港幣千元 港幣千元 Up to 90 days 上至 90 日 509,968 43.2 252,895 45.7 91 to 180 days 91 至 180 日 161,448 71.8 81,913 67.3 Over 180 days 多於 180 日 19,515 82.3 13,151 97.8 Total 總計 690,931 51.0 347,959 52.7 TREASURY AND FUNDING POLICIES The treasury and funding policies of the Group concentrates on the management of liquidity and the monitoring of financial risks, including interest rate risk, currency risk and counterparty risks. The objectives are to ensure the Group has adequate financial resources to maintain business growth with a healthy financial position. Surplus funds of the Group are generally placed on short term deposits denominated in HKD, RMB or USD with reputable banks in Hong Kong and the PRC. The financing of the Group usually comprises short to medium term loans from banks. The loan portfolio takes into consideration of the liquidity of the Group and interest costs. 有關於二零一八年十二月三十一日的應收賬 款,其後於截至二零一九年三月十一日止約有 51.0% 已透過現金或應收票據形式收回,本集 團和本集團於本年度的首五大客戶的應收賬款 於其後收款詳情如下: 財資政策 本集團的財資政策集中於流動資金管理和監控 財務風險,包括利率風險、匯兌風險和交易對 手風險。其目的是確保本集團有充足的財務資 源以在財務狀況穩健情況下維持業務增長。 本集團的剩餘資金一般以短期存款(以港幣、 人民幣或美元為單位)存放在香港及中國信譽 良好的銀行。本集團的資金籌措通常包括短期 到中期銀行貸款,貸款組合會考慮本集團的資 金流動性及利息成本而作出。