Annual Report 2018

40 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS SHARE CAPITAL, LIQUIDITY AND FINANCIAL RESOURCES The Company manages its capital structure with the objectives of ensuring that the businesses of the Group can continue to maintain a sustainable growth and providing a long-term reasonable return to its Shareholders. There was no change in the total number of issued shares of the Company during the year. The total number of issued shares of the Company remained at 1,922,900,556 Shares at 31 December 2018. Net asset value of the Group was HK$1,339,150,000 at 31 December 2018, decreased slightly by 3.8% as compared to HK$1,391,528,000 at 31 December 2017. The decrease in net asset value was attributable to the negative impact on depreciation of RMB exchange rate against HKD of approximately 4.8% throughout the year. Net asset value per Share was HK$0.696 at 31 December 2018, also decreased by 3.9% as compared to HK$0.724 at 31 December 2017. Cash flows The Gr oup gene r a t ed ne t cash ope r a t i ng i n f l ow o f HK$168,973,000 for the year as follows: HK$’000 港幣千元 Net cash from operating activities as per consolidated statement of cash flows (include bills receivable endorsed to creditors and matured during the year) 綜合現金流量表中列示由經營活動 動用之現金淨額(包括已背書給 貸款人並在本年已到期之應收票據) (131,263) Add: Operating cash inflows not reflected in consolidated statement of cash flows (non-cash transactions): 加:未於綜合現金流量表反映之 經營現金流入(非現金交易): Bills receivable that has been discounted to banks during the year 於本年度貼現予銀行之 應收票據 300,236 Net operating cash inflow for the year 本年度來自經營活動之淨現金流入 168,973 股本、資金流動及財政資源 本公司管理其資本架構的目的以確保本集團之 業務能繼續保持可持續增長及為股東提供一個 合理的長期回報。 於本年度,本公司之已發行股份數目總額沒有 變動,於二零一八年十二月三十一日本公司已 發行股份數目總額仍為 1,922,900,556 股。本 集團於二零一八年十二月三十一日之資產淨值 報港幣 1,339,150,000 元,比二零一七年十二 月三十一日的港幣 1,391,528,000 元輕微下降 3.8% 。資產淨值下降是由於人民幣兌港幣匯 率全年貶值約 4.8% 的負面影響所致。於二零 一八年十二月三十一日的每股資產淨值報港幣 0.696 元,比二零一七年十二月三十一日報每 股港幣 0.724 元亦下跌 3.9% 。 現金流 本集團於本年度錄得來自經營活動之現金流入 淨額港幣 168,973,000 元如下: