Annual Report 2018

42 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS At 31 December 2018, the interest bearing borrowings on majority of bank loans and related companies loans were fixed rates ranging from 3.4% to 6.5% per annum total at HK$803,945,000. While smaller portion of these interest bearing borrowings were floating-rate borrowings at total of HK$296,864,000 with interest rates ranging from 3.97% to 5.17% this year. The nature and maturing profile of the Group’s interest bearing borrowings at 31 December 2018, based on contracted repayment schedules were as follows: HK$’000 % of total interest bearing borrowings 港幣千元 佔計 息貸款總額 百分比 (%) Due in 2019 or on demand: 於二零一九年內到期或即期支付: – Short term bank loans -短期銀行貸款 445,429 40.5 – Bank advances for discounted bills -銀行貼現票根據墊款 162,157 14.7 – Loans from related companies -來自有關連公司之貸款 226,358 20.6 Total due in 2019 於二零一九年內到期總額 833,944 75.8 Total due in 2020 or after 於二零二零年內或之後到期總額 – Non-current bank loans -非流動銀行貸款 270,000 24.5 Total 總計 1,103,944 100.3 Unamortised loan arrangement fees 未攤銷之貸款安排費用 (3,135) (0.3) Total 總計 1,100,809 100.0 The Group wi l l p l an t o se r v i ce t he i n t e r es t bea r i ng borrowings due in 2019 and 2020 by cash flow generated from its operations and refinancing from banks and exploring from other sources to raise capital such as issue of Convertible Bonds. 於二零一八年十二月三十一日,大部分銀 行貸款及有關連公司貸款的計息貸款港幣 803,945,000 元以固定年利率介乎 3.4% 至 6.5% 範圍內計息。而這些計息貸款中較少部 分為浮動利率貸款合共港幣 296,864,000 元, 以本年度年利率介乎 3.97% 至 5.17% 範圍計 息。於二零一八年十二月三十一日本集團計息 貸款之性質及按合約所定之還款期之到期情況 如下: 本集團將計劃通過提供由營運產生的現金流、 銀行再融資和從其他來源籌集資金(如發行可 換股債券)償還在二零一九及二零二零年到期 的計息貸款。