Annual Report 2018

49 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS The emoluments of the Directors are decided by the remuneration committee of the Company, having regard to individual performance, the Group’s performance and profitability, remuneration benchmark in the industry and prevailing market condition. In addition, the Company had adopted the 2002 Scheme. Under the 2002 Scheme, the Board shall, subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the 2002 Scheme and the Listing Rules, grant share options to any eligible participant to subscribe for Shares for the purpose of providing incentives or rewards to him/her for contribution to the Group. The 2002 Scheme remained in force for a period of ten years from the date of its adoption and expired on 6 June 2012. The Shareholders at the annual general meeting held on 25 May 2012 approved the termination of the 2002 Scheme and adoption of the 2012 Scheme which serves the same purpose as the 2002 Scheme. The 2012 Scheme will remain in force for a period of ten years from 29 May 2012, the date of obtaining the approval of the listing and permission to deal in the Shares falling to be allotted and issued pursuant to the exercise of any options granted under the 2012 Scheme. Share options granted and remained outstanding under the 2002 Scheme remain valid and exercisable in accordance with their terms of issue. During the year under review, no options were granted, exercised, cancelled and lapsed under the 2012 Scheme while only 103,700,000 share options lapsed under the 2002 Scheme. 董事之酬金由本公司薪酬委員會按照個人表 現、本集團之業績及盈利狀況,亦以業界指標 及當時市場環境而釐訂。 此外,本公司採納了二零零二計劃。根據二零 零二計劃,董事會可根據及按照二零零二計劃 的條款及上市規則授予合資格人士購股權以認 購股份,目的作為他╱她對本集團之貢獻作出 獎勵或報酬。二零零二計劃由採納日期起計十 年內有效及於二零一二年六月六日到期。股東 已在二零一二年五月二十五日舉行的股東周年 大會上批准終止二零零二計劃及採納二零一二 計劃,二零一二計劃與二零零二計劃本著有 同一目的。二零一二計劃由二零一二年五月 二十九日(獲得批准根據二零一二計劃授出之 購股權獲行使而將予發行及分配之任何股份上 市及買賣之日期)起計十年內有效。 二零零二計劃項下已授出但尚未行使的購股權 仍然有效,並可根據其發行條款予以行使。 於本年度回顧,根據二零一二計劃,沒有購股 權授出、行使、註銷或失效。而根據二零零二 計劃,則只有 103,700,000 股購股權失效。