Annual Report 2018

50 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND PLEDGE OF ASSETS The Group had no contingent liabilities at 31 December 2018. At 31 December 2018, the following assets had been pledged to the Group’s bankers and a related company for banking facilities and bills payable issued and to secure loan from a related company granted to the Group: 1. Leasehold land and buildings with an aggregate net book value of HK$201,312,000; 2. Plant and machinery with an aggregate amount of HK$90,404,000; 3. Prepaid land payments with an aggregate amount of HK$62,859,000; 4. Bank deposit of HK$78,630,000; and 5. Pledged deposits on loan from a related company amounting to HK$7,989,000. THE RESULT ON THE POSSIBLE DEEMED DISPOSAL OF EQUITY INTEREST IN TESC AND THE PROPOSED STRATEGIC COOPERATION WITH 棗莊礦業(集團)有限責 任公司 (ZAOZHUANG MINING (GROUP) CO., LTD.*) (“ZAOZHUANG MINING”) As regards the second supplemental memorandum of understanding (the “Second Supplemental MOU”) entered into by the Company and Zaozhuang Mining (the “Parties”) dated 30 June 2016, the long stop date to the effect that the formal agreement under the Second Supplemental MOU has expired on 12 July 2018, the Parties to the Second Supplemental MOU have not yet gone through the necessary internal approval procedures customary to state-owned enterprises of the PRC and hence, the major terms and conditions in respect of the proposed capital injection or the proposed strategic cooperation between the Group and Zaozhuang Mining Group could not be concluded and no legally-binding agreement could be reached. Accordingly, the Second Supplemental MOU had lapsed in accordance with its terms and ceased to have any effect. 或然負債及資產押記 於二零一八年十二月三十一日,本集團並無或 然負債。 於二零一八年十二月三十一日,以下資產已抵 押予本集團的銀行及一有關連公司以發行應付 銀行融資及應付票據,及向本集團來自一有關 連公司之貸款的保證: 1. 賬面淨值總計為港幣 201,312,000 元之 租賃土地及樓宇; 2. 廠房及機器共值港幣 90,404,000 元; 3. 預付土地款項總額港幣 62,859,000 元; 4. 銀行存款港幣 78,630,000 元;及 5. 來自一有關連公司貸款相關之抵押按金 共港幣 7,989,000 元。 有關可能出售滕州東方權益及與棗莊 礦業(集團)有限責任公司(「棗莊礦 業」)進行建議的策略合作之結果 關於本公司與棗莊礦業(「訂約方」)於二零一六 年六月三十日訂立的第二份補充諒解備忘錄 (「第二份補充諒解備忘錄」),第二份補充諒解 備忘錄正式協議之最後截止日期已於二零一八 年七月十二日屆滿,第二份補充諒解備忘錄之 訂約方尚未通過中國國有企業的必要內部審批 程序,及因此,有關建議注資事項或本集團與 棗莊礦業集團建議的策略性之主要條款及條件 無法締結,也無法達成具有法律約束力的協 議。因此,第二份補充諒解備忘錄將根據其條 款失效,並不再有任何效力。 * For identification only