Annual Report 2018

52 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 管理層論述及分析 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS In order to maintain a reasonable market share in the steel cord business and restore our financial health, we will use our best endeavors to: • pare down production and finance costs; • expand our business volume in regions relatively unscathed from protectionism; • work with Shougang Fund (subject to relevant rules and regulations) in identifying other investment opportunities within the realm of our principal business; and • broaden the scope of our hedging activities against a depreciation of the RMB. 為了於鋼簾線業務中保持合理的市場佔有率, 並恢復我們的財政穩健,我們將盡最大努力: • 削減生產和財務成本; • 於相對沒有受到保護主義影響的地區中 擴大我們的業務產量; • 與首鋼基金(受限相關規則和規定)合 作,確定我們於主要業務範圍內的其他 投資機會;及 • 擴大我們的對沖活動範圍以防止人民幣 貶值。