Annual Report 2018
54 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 之首長寶佳守則已在二零一八年十二月十八日 修訂。經本公司特定查詢後,所有董事已確認 彼等於截至二零一八年十二月三十一日止年度 內,一直遵守標準守則及首長寶佳守則所載之 規定標準。 董事會 董事會現由六名成員組成,包括兩名執行董事 (即蘇凡荣先生(董事長兼董事總經理)及鄧國 求先生(董事副總經理)、一名非執行董事(即 廖駿先生)及三名獨立非執行董事(即葉健民 先生、羅裔麟先生及林耀堅先生)。董事之簡 歷詳情載於第 8 頁至 14 頁之「 董事簡歷 」之標題 內。 董事會之主要職責如下: • 發展本公司之業務模式及目標; • 制訂本公司的策略、計劃及發展; • 確立管理的目標; • 監察管理層的表現; • 確保推行審慎和有效的監管架構,從而 評估和管理風險; • 審核及批准本公司的業績及運作,定期 向公眾人士披露;及 • 批准本集團的營運策略、預算及與不同 管轄權區的企業合作的計劃以及其他主 要的投資、資金運用及與其他企業的其 他重大行動。 Board will revise the SCCHL Code from time to time and the latest version which was revised on 18 December 2018 is an annexed to the Internal Control Manual. All Directors have confirmed, following specific enquiry by the Company, that they have complied with the required standard set out in the Model Code and SCCHL Code for the year ended 31 December 2018. THE BOARD The Board currently consists of six members, including two executive Directors (namely Messrs. Su Fanrong (chairman and managing Director) and Tang Cornor Kwok Kau (deputy managing Director)), one non-executive Director (namely Mr. Liao Jun) and three independent non-executive Directors (namely Messrs. Yip Kin Man, Raymond, Law, Yui Lun and Lam Yiu Kin). The Directors’ biographical details are set out on pages 8 to 14 under the heading “ BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS ”. The major duties of the Board are set out below: • Develop business model and business goals of the Company; • Formulate the strategies, planning and development of the Company; • Set up objectives of management; • Monitor the performance of management; • Ensure that a framework of prudent and effective controls are in place to enable risks to be assessed and managed; • Review and approve the Company’s results and operations to be disclosed on a regular basis to the public; and • Approve the Group’s operating strategies, budget and strategies in collaboration with various jurisdictions enterprises, as well as other major investments, application of funds and other substantial exercises with other enterprises.