Annual Report 2018

65 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 於本年度回顧,本公司曾舉行兩次薪酬委員會 會議及曾通過一次所有薪酬委員會成員的書面 決議案,薪酬委員會之工作包括﹕ (i) 考慮及檢 討按照執行董事,非執行董事及獨立非執行董 事的個人表現而釐訂的薪酬; (ii) 審閱非執行 董事(包括獨立非執行董事)的董事袍金; (iii) 考慮及建議蘇凡荣先生自二零一八年一月十八 日起調任為本公司董事長之服務合約; (iv) 考 慮李少峰先生辭任本公司執行董事及董事長之 認股權處理事項及自二零一八年一月十八日 起辭任其所有委員會的職位; (v) 自二零一八 年一月十八日起委任蘇凡荣先生為薪酬委員會 副主席兼提名委員會主席; (vi) 由二零一八年 一月三十一日起生效之薪酬委員會成員書面決 議案,楊開宇先生辭任董事總經理及委任蘇凡 荣先生為董事總經理並考慮楊開宇先生之認股 權處理事項;及 (vii) 檢討薪酬委員會職權範圍 書。董事之酬金由薪酬委員會按照個人表現、 本集團之業績及盈利狀況,亦以業界指標及當 時市場環境而釐訂。而有關薪酬委員會成員於 本年度舉行的會議之出席紀錄已列載於本報告 第 58 頁內之「 出席紀錄 」內。 有關本集團之酬金政策之資料已列載於本年報 「 董事會報告 」及一份獨立報告 — 《二零一八年 度環境、社會及管治報告》(「二零一八年度環 境、社會及管治報告」)之相關章節內。 During the year under review, two remuneration committee meetings were held and a written resolution of all members of remuneration committee was passed and the works performed by the remuneration committee included: (i) the consideration and review of the performance-based remuneration of executive, non-executive and independent non-executive Directors; (ii) the review of the directors’ fees of non-executive Directors (including independent non-executive Directors); (iii) the consideration and recommendation of the terms of service contract of Mr. Su Fanrong of his re-designation as chairman of the Company with effect from 18 January 2018; (iv) the consideration of the treatment of share options held by Mr. Li Shaofeng who resigned as the executive Director and the chairman and the resignation of his position in all committees with effect from 18 January 2018; (v) the appointment of Mr. Su Fanrong as the vice chairman of remuneration committee and chairman of nomination committee on 18 January 2018; (vi) the resignation of Mr. Yang Kaiyu as the managing Director and the appointment of Mr. Su Fanrong as the managing Director, the consideration of the treatment of share options held by Mr. Yang Kaiyu with effect from 31 January 2018 by written resolution of remuneration committee; and (vii) the review of the terms of reference of remuneration committee. The emoluments of the Directors are decided by the remuneration committee, having regard to individual performance, the Group’s performance and profitability, remuneration benchmark in the industry and prevailing market condition. The attendance record of the remuneration committee members at the meetings held during the year is set out in the “ Attendance Record ” on page 58 of this report. The information in respect of emolument policy of the Group is set out in the relevant sections of the “ REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS ” of this annual report and a separate report, 2018 Environmental, Social and Governance Report (the “2018 ESG Report”).