Annual Report 2018

68 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT viii) 提名委員會須於每次會議後向董事會申 述或報告有關其活動、根據提名公司董 事政策委任及重新委任任何董事之過 程,考慮董事會成員的繼任規劃以及就 委任過程解釋有否採用外聘意見,並需 要根據有關不時修訂之上市規則刊載於 年報或其他報告內;及 ix) 獲董事會不時之授權及根據上市規則之 守則的規定就董事之提名事宜行使其他 權力、職權及酌情權,以及履行該等其 他責任。 於本年度回顧,本公司曾舉行了三次提名委員 會會議及曾通過一次所有提名委員會成員的書 面決議案,提名委員會之工作包括﹕ (i) 檢討董 事會目前的架構、人數及多元化; (ii) 檢討及 評核本公司獨立非執行董事的獨立性; (iii) 檢 討經修訂的董事會成員多元化政策及二零一八 年可計量目標之進度及決定二零一九年新可計 量目標及其達標時間表; (iv) 檢討本公司二零 一八年董事的培訓和持續專業發展; (v) 建議 新的提名公司董事政策; (vi) 李少峰先生辭任 董事長、執行董事及提名委員會主席,調任蘇 凡荣先生為董事長及委任其為提名委員會主席 及薪酬委員會副主席,自二零一八年一月十八 日起生效; (vii) 梁順生先生退任為非執行董事 及提名委員會副主席,及委任葉健民先生為提 名委員會副主席,自二零一八年五月十八日起 生效; (viii) 自二零一八年一月三十一日起生效 之提名委員會書面決議案,楊開宇先生辭任董 事總經理及委任蘇凡荣先生為董事總經理;及 (ix) 檢討提名委員會職權範圍書。 viii) the nomination committee shall make a statement or report to the Board after each meeting about its activities, the diversity of board members and the process used for appointments, reappointment of Directors under the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company and board succession planning consideration and explain if external advice has been used and disclose and publish in the annual report or other report as required subject to the Listing Rules which is amended from time to time; and ix) to exe r c i se such ot he r powe r s , au t hor i t i es and discretion, and perform such other duties, of the Directors in relation to the nomination as the Board may from time to time delegate to it, having regard to the Code of the Listing Rules. During the year under review, three nomination committee meetings were held and a written resolution of all members of nomination committee was passed and the works performed by the nomination committee included: (i) the review of current structure, size and diversity of the Board; (ii) the assessment and review of the independence of independent non-executive Directors; (iii) the review of the revised Board Diversity Policy, the progress of achieving measurable objective for 2018 and determine new measurable objective for year 2019 and the timetable in relation thereto; (iv) the review of the 2018 training and continuous professional development of Directors; (v) the recommendation of the new Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company; (vi) the resignation of Mr. Li Shaofeng as the chairman and executive Director and the chairman of nomination committee and the re-designation of Mr. Su Fanrong as the chairman and the appointment of chairman of nomination committee and vice chairman of remuneration committee with effect from 18 January 2018; (vii) the retirement of Mr. Leung Shun Sang, Tony as the non- executive Director and the resignation of the vice chairman of nomination committee and the appointment of Mr. Yip Kin Man, Raymond as the vice chairman of nomination committee with effect from 18 May 2018; (viii) the resignation of Mr. Yang Kaiyu as the managing Director and the appointment of Mr. Su Fanrong as the managing Director with effect from 31 January 2018 by written resolution of nomination committee; and (ix) the review of terms of reference of nomination committee.