Annual Report 2018

85 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 鑒於上述,董事會已確保最少每年檢討一次本 集團的風險管理及內部監控系統是否有效及足 夠及董事會認為本集團於二零一八年內之風險 管理和內部監控系統是有效和充足的。但是若 干範疇例如管理營運及其他風險中有關產品品 質控制及新產品開發計劃方面的措施還有改善 的空間。 處理及披露內幕消息的程序 本公司遵守上市規則、證券及期貨條例及其他 有關處理及披露內幕消息的監管規定。本公司 的董事及高級管理層有責任採取一切合理措 施,以確保有妥善的預防措施防止本公司違反 披露規定。本公司的董事及高級管理層須遵守 本公司之持續披露責任政策中的指引之規定, 該政策已於二零一一年三月二十八日獲董事會 採納及其最新版本於二零一八年十二月十八日 已獲董事會批准。本公司亦在上述政策說明內 幕消息披露的若干原則,詳細如下: 業務單位主管╱個別部門主管需辨別和評估有 關潛在或發展中的事件是否能構成內幕消息。 如是潛在的事件或交易必須通過公司秘書部報 告給本公司高級管理層。高級管理層與董事 長╱或董事總經理將考慮該資料是否構成內 幕消息並向董事會匯報。董事會將考慮該資 料是否可能構成內幕消息,以及是否需要披露 和╱或短暫停牌。如其構成內幕消息,於取得 董事會的批准後,本公司公司秘書部將安排申 請短暫停牌、準備和刊發公告。 In view of the foregoing, the Board had duly ensured the review of the effectiveness and adequacy of the risk management and internal control systems of the Group has been conducted at least annually and the Board therefore considered that the risk management and internal control systems of the Group were effective and adequate throughout the year of 2018. However, there is room for improvement in certain areas, for instance, the measures of managing operational and other risks, such as product quality control and new product development. Procedures for handling and dissemination of inside information The Company complied with the Listing Rules, SFO and other regulatory requirements regarding the handling and dissemination of inside information. Directors and senior management of the Company oblige to take all reasonable measures to ensure that proper safeguards exist to prevent the Company from breaching the statutory disclosure requirement. Directors and senior management of the Company follow the guidelines stipulated in Continuous Disclosure Obligation Policy of the Company which has been adopted by the Board on 28 March 2011 and the latest version was and approved by Board on 18 December 2018. Some principles of dissemination of inside information of the Company have been stated in the said policy, details are as follows: The heads of Business units/individual departments identify and assess whether a potential event or transaction may constitute inside information. If that is the case the potential event or developing events should be reported to the senior management of the Company, through the Company Secretarial Department. The senior management will consider with the Chairman/managing Director whether the information constitute inside information and report to the Board. The Board will consider whether the information may constitute inside information and whether disclosure and/or trading halt would be required. If this constitutes inside information, the Company Secretarial Department of the Company would have to arrange for trading halt, prepare and publish an announcement after approval by the Board.