Annual Report 2018
89 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 如董事認為可供分派之溢利情況足以派發,則 董事亦可不時派發定額股息。 根據經審核的財務報表得出的以上因素,經股 東於股東周年大會上批准,董事會可符合本股 息政策建議應付於股東周年大會上的股東末期 股息金額。 股息應以下列形式支付: (i) 現金;或 (ii) 代息股 份;或 (iii) 部份按上列 (i) 項與部份按上列 (ii) 項 之組合。本公司向股東提供以股代息取代現金 的選擇,在不產生經紀費的情況下,而增加股 東對本公司的投資。 根據 (i) 本公司的資金需求; (ii) 正經營現金流 量;及 (iii) 股息政策中列舉的其他財務因素, 本公司將努力維持合理的股息派發比率,不論 是中期及╱或末期股息。本公司亦可能會在特 殊情況下建議派發特別股息。 本股息政策應在本公司年報中披露。預期披露 將令投資者在投資本公司時能作出有根據的投 資決定。 本股息政策可根據章程細則及香港法律(包括 公司條例及上市規則)不時作出修改及修訂。 本公司保留更改、修改、添加、刪除或修訂本 政策任何條款的權利。 The Directors may also pay at intervals settled by them any dividend payable at a fixed rate if it appears to them that the profits available for distribution justify the payment. The Board of the Company may recommend quantum of final dividend payable to the Shareholders at its annual general meeting in line with the dividend policy, subject to the approval of the Shareholders in the annual general meeting, based on the aforesaid factors arrived at as per the audited financial statements. The dividend shall be paid in the form of (i) cash; or (ii) a scrip dividend; or (iii) a combination of partly in (i) and partly in (ii) above. The Company may offer the Shareholders the option of receiving scrip shares in lieu of cash, which may enable the Shareholders to increase their investment in the Company without incurring brokerage fees. The Company shall endeavor to maintain a reasonable dividend payout ratio, whether as interim and/or final dividends, subject to (i) capital needs of the Company; (ii) positive operating cash flows; and (iii) other financial factors enumerated in the dividend policy. The Company may recommend a special dividend in special circumstances. The dividend policy shall be disclosed in the annual report of the Company. The disclosure is expected to allow investors to make a more informed decision when investing in the Company. The dividend policy would be subject to revision and amendment under the Articles and the Hong Kong law, including the Companies Ordinance and the Listing Rules, from time to time. The Company reserves its right to alter, modify, add, delete or amend any of the provisions of the said policy.