Annual Report 2018
91 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 編製及呈報財務報告之責任 董事知悉彼等有責任根據法定要求及適用會計 及財務報告準則編製本集團綜合財務報告,以 確保綜合財務報告不會因欺詐或錯誤而出現重 大錯誤陳述。董事將受制於法定要求及適用之 會計準則之基準下選擇並貫徹運用合適的會計 政策、作出審慎、公平及合理之判斷及估算, 並按持續經營為基準編製財務報告。 公司秘書 本公司之公司秘書為本集團之全職僱員。彼需 向董事會董事長及╱或向董事總經理匯報。於 本年度,本公司之公司秘書已遵守上市規則第 3.29 條有關專業培訓之規定。 股東權益 董事會認識到與股東有效溝通的重要性。為了 與股東持續保持溝通,本公司透過股東周年大 會及其他股東大會,有機會與股東直接溝通, 並鼓勵他們積極參與。另外,於二零一八年 度股東周年大會(「二零一八年度股東周年大 會」),董事會主席、薪酬委員會主席、提名委 員會主席及審核委員會主席,均有出席解答任 何股東之提問。而外聘核數師亦出席二零一八 年度股東周年大會回答有關審計工作、編製核 數師報告及其內容、會計政策以及核數師的獨 立性等問題。 RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREPARATION AND REPORTING OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Directors acknowledge their responsibility for preparing the consolidated financial statements of the Group in accordance with statutory requirements and applicable accounting and financial reporting standards to enable the presentation of the consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. The Directors will subject to statutory requirements and applicable accounting standards, select suitable accounting policies and apply them consistently, make prudent, fair and reasonable judgements and estimates and prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis. COMPANY SECRETARY The Company Secretary of the Company is a full time employee of the Group. She reports to the Board chairman and/or managing Director. During the year, the Company Secretary of the Company has duly complied with the relevant professional training requirement under Rule 3.29 of the Listing Rules. SHAREHOLDERS’ RIGHTS The Boa r d r ecogn i ses t he impo r t ance o f e f f ec t i ve communication with Shareholders. In order to maintain an ongoing dialogue with Shareholders, the Company has opportunities to directly communicate with Shareholders at various annual general meetings and other general meetings where Shareholders are encouraged to actively attend. In addition, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of each of remuneration committee, nomination committee and audit committee were present to answer any Shareholder’s questions at the 2018 annual general meeting (the “2018 AGM”). The external auditor had also attended the 2018 AGM to answer questions about the conduct of the audit, the preparation and content of the auditor’s report, the accounting policies and auditor’s independence.