Annual Report 2018
93 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2018 企業管治報告 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 成員╱股東和其他持份者向董事會提出查 詢與關注的程序 誠邀成員╱股東和其他持份者瀏覽本公司網站 ,獲取 有關本公司的最新資料。建議成員╱股東和其 他持份者可將有關對董事會的查詢與關注: (a) 郵寄至本公司註冊辦事處,地址為香 港柴灣新業街 6 號安力工業中心十二樓 1215 室,註明公司秘書收啟;或 (b) 電郵至 並 註明本公司投資者關係部收啟;或 (c) 可從本公司網站填寫一份索取資料登記 表來收取本公司最新資料。 本公司將會按成員╱股東或其他持份者要求之 溝通渠道回應他們之提問或當有關資訊在網上 發放後,本公司將直接提供相關資料到他們所 登記的電郵及如有需要將轉交有關查詢予董事 會跟進。 有關董事會處理的事宜,公司秘書會轉交獨立 非執行董事處理;有關個別董事委員會職權範 圍的事宜,會轉交有關委員會的主席;有關營 運一般事宜,如建議、查詢和投訴,則轉交本 公司適當的行政人員。 成員╱股東和其他持份者可於本公司網站詳細 閱讀股東通訊政策以作有效溝通。為了與股東 和潛在投資者保持一個公正及有建設性的溝 通方法,股東通訊政策已於二零一四年九月 二十三日進一步修訂。 Procedures for members/shareholders and other stakeholders to send enquires and concerns to the Board Memb e r s / s h a r e h o l d e r s a n d o t h e r s t a k e h o l d e r s a r e i n v i t e d t o a c c e s s t h e Comp a n y ’ s we b s i t e a t ht tp: / /www. shougangcentur y . com. hk for up- to-da t e information of the Company. They are advised to send enquires and concerns to the Board: (a) by post at the registered office of the Company situated at Room 1215, 12/F., Honour Industrial Centre, 6 Sun Yip Street, Chai Wan, Hong Kong for the attention of the Company Secretary; or (b) by email to for the attention of our Investor Relations section; or (c) by filling out the sign up form on the Company’s website if they would like to be kept up-to-date on the latest information of the Company. The Company will make response to their questions through their required communication channels or deliver the relevant material directly to their email as soon as the information becomes available online and make necessary arrangement for direction of enquires to the Board, if required. The Company Secretary forwards communications relating to matters within the Board’s purview to the independent non-executive Directors, communications relating to matters within a Board committee’s area of responsibility to the chair of the appropriate committee, and communications relating to ordinary business matters, such as suggestions, enquires and complaints, to the appropriate Company’s executive. Members/shareholders and other stakeholders can read the Shareholders’ Communication Policy at the Company’s website for details and, effectiveness communication. The Shareholders’ Communication Policy was further revised on 23 September 2014 to maintain candid and constructive communications with Shareholders and potential investors.