Annual Report 2019
105 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 根據證券及期貨條例股東於本公司之權 益及淡倉或相關股份 (續) 於股份或相關股份之好倉 (續) 附註: (1) Fair Union 實益擁有 135,721,936 股股份,以及 由於 Richson 及 Casula 均為 Fair Union 之全資附 屬公司,故根據證券及期貨條例, Fair Union 被 視為於 Richson 所擁有之 148,537,939 股股份及 於 Casula 所擁有之 402,395,304 股股份中擁有權 益。 (2) 首控香港實益擁有 6,456,000 股股份及由於 Able Legend 及 Prime Success Investments Limited (「 Prime Success 」)為首控香港之全資附屬 公司,故根據證券及期貨條例,首控香港被視 為分別於 Able Legend 所持有之 126,984,000 股 股份及於 Prime Success 所持有之 74,254,000 股股份中擁有權益,及被視為於琴台管理有限 公司(為首長四方之附屬公司,而首控香港則 為首長四方之控股公司)(「琴台」)所持有之 12,370,000 股股份中擁有權益。由於 Richson 及 Casula 均為 Fair Union 之全資附屬公司,而 Fair Union 已於二零一九年四月九日成為首控香港 之全資附屬公司(請參閱附註 (9) ),故根據證 券及期貨條例,首控香港亦被視為於 Fair Union 所擁有之 135,721,936 股股份、於 Richson 所擁 有之 148,537,939 股股份及於 Casula 所擁有之 402,395,304 股股份中擁有權益。 (3) 京西控股持有之股份指可換股債券(即本公司 根據認購協議將發行予京西控股的本金總額最 多為港幣 150,000,000 元於二零二二年到期(可 延長至二零二四年)的 4% 無抵押固定票息可換 股債券)所附換股權獲行使時將予配發及發行之 454,545,454 股股份。 (4) 承上附註 (3) ,由於京西控股乃首鋼基金之全資附 屬公司,故根據證券及期貨條例,首鋼基金被視 為於京西控股所持有之 454,545,454 股股份中擁 有權益。 SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS OR UNDERLYING SHARES OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE SFO (continued) Long position in Shares or underlying Shares (continued) Notes: (1) Fair Union is beneficially interested in 135,721,936 Shares and by virtue of the SFO, it is deemed to be interested in the 148,537,939 Shares held by Richson and the 402,395,304 Shares held by Casula as Richson and Casula are its wholly owned subsidiaries. (2) Shougang HK is beneficially interested in 6,456,000 Shares and by virtue of the SFO, it is deemed to be interested in the 126,984,000 Shares and the 74,254,000 Shares held by Able Legend and Prime Success Investments Limited (“Prime Success”) respectively as Able Legend and Prime Success are its wholly owned subsidiaries and is deemed to be interested in the 12,370,000 Shares held by Lyre Terrace Management Limited (“Lyre Terrace”), a subsidiary of Shougang Grand as Shougang HK is the holding company of Shougang Grand. By virtue of the SFO, it is also deemed to be interested in the 135,721,936 Shares held by Fair Union, the 148,537,939 Shares held by Richson and the 402,395,304 Shares held by Casula as Fair Union has become a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang HK since 9 April 2019 (Please refer to Note (9)) and Richson and Casula are wholly owned subsidiaries of Fair Union. (3) The shares held by Jingxi Holdings represent 454,545,454 underlying Shares to be allotted and issued upon the exercise of Conversion Rights attaching to the Convertible Bonds (i.e. the 4% unsecured fixed coupon convertible bonds in the aggregate principal amount of up to HK$150,000,000 due 2022 (extendable to 2024) to be issued by the Company to Jingxi Holdings pursuant to the Subscription Agreement). (4) As mentioned under Note (3) above, by virtue of the SFO, Shougang Fund is deemed to be interested in 454,545,454 underlying Shares held by Jingxi Holdings, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Shougang Fund.