Annual Report 2019
107 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 根據證券及期貨條例股東於本公司之權 益及淡倉或相關股份 (續) 於股份或相關股份之好倉 (續) 附註:(續) (9) 控股股東重組 首控香港與首長國際於二零一八年十一月二十一 日訂立買賣協議,首控香港同意向首長國際收購 Fair Union 全部已發行股本(「重組」),作為首鋼 集團內部重組的一部分。 重組已於二零一九年四月九日完成,首長國際 不再持有 Fair Union 的任何股份,因此不再持有 股份的任何直接或間接權益。 Fair Union 已成為 首控香港的全資附屬公司,而首控香港持有的 47.15% 股份權益將維持不變。 有關重組之詳情可參考本公司日期為二零一八 年十一月二十一日及二零一九年四月九日的公 告。 主要股東在合約中之權益 本集團與首鋼集團、首鋼基金、首控香港及其 附屬公司訂立之重大合約之詳情載列於以下 「 關連人士交易 」標題內及╱或財務報告附註 37 。 企業管治 本公司致力履行及達至一個高標準的企業管治 水平,董事會已批准及採納首長寶佳企業管治 守則,有關條文不比守則所列出的條文寬鬆。 本公司之企業管治守則之進一步資料載列於 本年報第 40 頁至 82 頁之「 企業管治報告 」內。 SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS OR UNDERLYING SHARES OF THE COMPANY UNDER THE SFO (continued) Long position in Shares or underlying Shares (continued) Notes: (continued) (9) Restructuring of controlling Shareholder On 21 November 2018, Shougang HK and Shougang International, entered into a sale and purchase agreement, whereby Shougang HK agreed to acquire the entire issued share capital of Fair Union from Shougang International (the “Restructuring”) as part of the internal restructuring of Shougang Group. The Restructuring was completed on 9 April 2019. Shougang International ceased to hold any share of Fair Union and thus any direct or indirect interest in the Shares. Fair Union has become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shougang HK and the interest in the Shares held by Shougang HK has remained unchanged at 47.15%. For details regarding the Restructuring, please refer to the announcements of the Company dated 21 November 2018 and 9 April 2019. SUBSTANTIAL SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS IN CONTRACTS Details of the contract of significance between the Group, Shougang Group, Shougang Fund, Shougang HK and its subsidiaries are set out under the heading “ RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS ” hereunder and/or in note 37 to the financial statements. CORPORATE GOVERNANCE The Company is committed to practicing and achieving a high standard of corporate governance and the Board has approved and adopted the SCCHL Corporate Governance Code on terms no less exacting than those set out in the provisions of the Code. Further information on the Company’s Corporate Governance Code is set out in the “ CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT ” on pages 40 to 82 of this annual report.