Annual Report 2019
113 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 主要客戶與供應商 (續) 本集團向首五大供應商作出之採購,約佔本 年度本集團總採購額之 50.8% (二零一八年: 61.8% ),其中向最大供應商作出之採購額約 佔本年度本集團總採購額之 15.5% (二零一八 年: 17.1% )。 除以上所披露外,就董事所知,各董事、其聯 繫人士及(董事深知)擁有本公司已發行股份 數目總額 5% 以上之股東,概無於本集團首五 大客戶或供應商中擁有任何實益權益。 關於主要客戶與供應商的關係,請參閱本年報 「 管理層論述及分析 」章節及即將發佈的二零 一九年度環境、社會及管治報告。 核數師 自二零一八年八月一日起,羅兵咸永道會計 師事務所獲委任為本公司之核數師,以填補 德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行辭任後的臨時空缺, 並任職直至本公司下屆股東周年大會結束為 止。除上文披露者外,於過往三年,本公司核 數師概無其他變動。 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所將任滿告退,再續聘 其為本公司之核數師之決議案將於即將舉行 之股東周年大會上提呈。 承董事會命 董事長兼董事總經理 蘇凡荣 香港 二零二零年三月二十四日 MAJOR CUSTOMERS AND SUPPLIERS (continued) Purchases from the Group’s five largest suppliers accounted for approximately 50.8% (2018: 61.8%) of total purchases of the Group for the year and purchases from the largest supplier, included therein amounted to approximately 15.5% (2018: 17.1%) of total purchases of the Group for the year. Save for disclosed above, as far as the Directors are aware, neither the Directors, their associates, nor those Shareholders (who, to the best knowledge of the Directors, own more than 5% of the total number of issued shares of the Company) had any beneficial interest in the Group’s five largest customers or suppliers. Further details related to relationship with customers and suppliers, please refer to sections “ MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ” in this annual report and in the 2019 ESG Report (to be published). AUDITORS Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers was appointed as auditor of the Company with effect from 1 August 2018 to fill the casual vacancy following the resignation of Messrs. Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and to hold office until the conclusion of the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company. Save as disclosed above, there were no other changes in the auditor of the Company during the past three years. Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers will retire and a resolution for their re-appointment as auditor of the Company will be proposed at the forthcoming annual general meeting. By order of the Board Su Fanrong Chairman and Managing Director Hong Kong 24 March 2020