Annual Report 2019
17 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS 董事簡歷 馮先生現為怡維怡橡膠研究院有限公司總工程 師,彼在輪胎製造行業擁有超過三十五年的豐 富經驗。馮先生於一九八二年至二零一七年在 風神輪胎股份有限公司(「風神輪胎」)(前稱 「河南輪胎廠」及「河南輪胎股份有限公司」) 曾擔任總工程師、高級工程師、副總經理兼總 工程師及董事。風神輪胎股份有限公司在二零 零三年十月於上海證券交易所主板上市(股 份代號: 600469) 。 根據上市規則第 13.51(2)(n)(iv) 條,以下披露有 關馮先生的詳情: 於二零一五年三月六日,風神輪胎收到中國證 券監督管理委員會河南監管局的行政處罰決 定,包括警告和罰款人民幣 600,000 元,因其 在二零一一年及二零一二年之年度報告中, 於會計信息存在虛假記載,違反了《上市公司 信息披露管理辦法》。馮先生(作為風神輪胎 的其中時任高級管理人員)亦收到《關於對鄭 玉力、範仁德等七人實施責令參加培訓措施 的決定》和《關於對鄭玉力、範仁德等十人實 施出具警示函措施的決定》(「該等決定」)。 根據該等決定,馮先生需要參加上市公司相關 法律法規培訓,並被警告並記入證券期貨誠信 檔案。馮先生確認: (i) 風神輪胎已採取補救措 施,包括在相關年度報告中更正和重申數字; (ii) 與上述事項有關的訴訟已完全解決;以及 (iii) 該等決定已完全得到遵守,風神輪胎或馮 先生就上述事項沒有進一步的行政處罰或任 何未償付責任。 Mr. Feng is currently a chief engineer of Eve Rubber Institute Co., Ltd. and he has over 35 years of extensive experience in the tyre manufacturing industry. Mr. Feng was previously the chief engineer, senior engineer, deputy general manager cum chief engineer and director of Aeolus Tyre Co., Ltd. (“Aeolus Tyre”) (formerly known as “Henan Tyre Factory” and “Henan Tyre Co., Ltd.”) from 1982 to 2017. Aeolus Tyre was listed on the Main Board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in October 2003 (Stock code: 600469). The following particulars relating to Mr. Feng are disclosed pursuant to Rule 13.51(2)(n)(iv) of the Listing Rules: On 6 March 2015, Aeolus Tyre received the administrative penalty decision including war nings and a fine of RMB600,000 from the Henan regulatory bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, due to its misstatement of accounting information in the 2011 and 2012 annual reports which violated the “Measures for the Administration of Information Disclosure of Listed Companies”. Mr. Feng, as a then senior management of Aeolus Tyre, among others, also received the “Decision to Impose Training Order to Zheng Yuli, Fan Rende and others in Total 7 Persons” and the “Decision to Issue Warning Letters to Zheng Yuli, Fan Rende and others in Total 10 Persons” (the “Decisions”). Pursuant to the Decisions, Mr. Feng needed to participate in the training of laws and regulations related to listed companies, and was warned and recorded in the Integrity Archive of Securities and Futures. Mr. Feng confirms that (i) remedial actions have been taken by Aeolus Tyre which include correcting and restating figures in the relevant annual reports; (ii) the proceedings regarding the aforesaid matter has been completely settled; and (iii) the Decisions have been fully complied with and no further administrative penalties or liabilities were outstanding by Aeolus Tyre or Mr. Feng regarding the aforesaid matter.