Annual Report 2019

204 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 綜合財務報告附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度 12 所得稅支出╱(抵免) 於截至二零一八年及二零一九年十二月 三十一日止年度,本集團並無任何須繳 付香港利得稅的應課稅溢利,因此於兩 個年度均無香港利得稅之撥備。 根據自二零零八年一月一日生效之中國 企業所得稅法(「企業所得稅法」),除非 優惠稅率適用,否則於中國的公司須繳 納 25% 的所得稅。 如附屬公司根據企業所得稅法及有國 家鼓勵的高新技術企業(「高新技術企 業」)之資格,適用的企業所得稅稅率為 15% 。 於截至二零一八年及二零一九年十二月 三十一日止年度,嘉興東方鋼簾線有限 公司(「嘉興東方」)的企業所得稅稅率為 15% 。 12 INCOME TAX EXPENSE/(CREDIT) Year ended 31 December 截至十二月三十一日止年度 2019 2018 二零一九年 二零一八年 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 Current income tax: 當期所得稅: – China corporate income tax -中國企業所得稅 4,003 886 Overprovision in prior years 以前年度超額撥備 (1,294) (1,254) Total current income tax 當期所得稅總額 2,709 (368) Deferred income tax (Note 31) 遞延所得稅(附註 31 ) 1,317 (2,068) Income tax expense/(credit) 所得稅支出╱(抵免) 4,026 (2,436) Income tax expense/(credit) is attributable to: 所得稅支出╱(抵免) 歸屬於: – Continuing operations -持續經營業務 4,026 (2,476) – Discontinued operation (Note 32) -已終止經營業務 (附註 32 ) – 40 4,026 (2,436) No provision for Hong Kong profits tax for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2019 as there is no assessable profit subject to Hong Kong profits tax for both years. Pursuant to the Corporate Income Tax Law of the PRC effective from 1 January 2008 (the “CIT Law”), companies in the PRC are subject to income tax of 25% unless preferential rate is applicable. If a subsidiary is subject to CIT and qualified as High and New Technology Enterprise (“HNTE”), the applicable CIT tax rate is 15%. The applicable CIT tax rate for Jiaxing Eastern Steel Cord Co., Ltd (“JESC”) was 15% for the years ended 31 December 2018 and 2019.