Annual Report 2019
34 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 我們將檢討及調整計息貸款的貨幣組合,以盡 量減少我們的計息貸款的匯率和利率風險。 無論如何,我們會根據內部監控指引下,持續 監察本集團計息貸款的貨幣及利率組合,及於 需要時採取適當行動,以減低匯兌及利率的風 險,例如於二零二零年訂立新衍生金融工具以 對沖人民幣兌港幣匯率風險。 資本承擔 於二零一九年十二月三十一日,本集團有關 物業、廠房及設備之承擔約港幣 143,513,000 元。 業務發展計劃 於二零一零年及二零一一年,滕州東方透過公 開競投以代價總額為人民幣 81,120,000 元,取 得三幅土地 ( 「該等土地」 ) 之土地使用權,為其 擴大生產量,作廠房之用。惟基於鋼簾線市場 的變動及策略性檢討擴充計劃後,滕州東方自 購入起,未有利用該等土地及尚未取得相關的 土地使用權證。 於二零一七年十一月下旬,滕州東方收到滕州 市自然資源局(前稱滕州市國土資源局)就該 等正值閒置的土地發出的解除《國有建設用地 掛牌出讓成交確認書》通知書。其後本集團與 滕州政府機構進行多回磋商,旨在達成共識, 令滕州東方繼續使用該等土地。 We will review and adjust the currency composition of our interest bearing borrowings from time to time to minimise our risks on exchange and interest rate in respect of our interest bearing borrowings. In any event, we would keep monitoring the currency and interest rate composition of the Group’s interest bearing borrowings under the guidance of the Internal Control Manual and take appropriate action to minimise our exchange and interest rate risks when needed, such as entering into new derivative financial instruments to hedge the risk of RMB exchange rate in 2020. CAPITAL COMMITMENTS At 31 December 2019, the Group had commitments in respect of property, plant and equipment amounted to approximately HK$143,513,000. BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PLAN In 2010 and 2011, TESC acquired the land use rights of three parcels of land through a public auction for a total consideration of RMB81,120,000 (the “Lands”) as plant site for its expansion of production capacity. However, given the changes in the market of steel cord and strategic review of the expansion plan, TESC has yet to utilize the Lands since its acquisition, nor received the relevant land use right certificates. In late November 2017, TESC received a notice regarding the rescission of the confirmation letter in respect of the successful bidding of state-owned land for construction from Tengzhou City Natural Resources Bureau (formerly known as Tengzhou Municipal State-owned Land Resources Bureau) regarding the Lands in the state of being idle. Subsequently, the Group conducted several rounds of negotiation with the Tengzhou governmental authorities with an aim to reach a consensus for TESC to continue utilizing the Lands.