Annual Report 2019
39 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 管理層論述及分析 冠狀病毒的爆發不會阻止我們維持市場份額 以及成為中國領先的鋼帘線製造商的目標。 基於我們在品牌認可方面的優勢、對跨國客戶 的了解和與跨國客戶的關係、快速響應的研發 工作以及負責的客戶服務,我們將: – • 繼續在滕州東方建設新的黃絲設施,以 促成「第十四個五年計劃」中增加額外 100,000 噸鋼簾線生產能力的擴展計劃; • 擴大我們於二零一九年已超越同行表現 的鋼簾線出口成就; • 通過簡化製造流程和提高自動化來進一 步降低生產成本; • 進一步降低我們的整體債務水平和財務 費用;及 • 繼續減少外匯波動對我們盈利能力的影 響。 The coronavirus outbreak is unlikely to deter our goal to maintain our market share and as a leading Steel cord manufacturers in the PRC. Building upon our strengths in the recognition of our brand, the knowledge on and relationship with our multinational clientele, responsive research and development effort, and accountable customer services, we will: – • continue the construction of our new brass wire facility at TESC to facilitate the expansion plan of an additional 100,000 tonnes Steel cord manufacturing capacity within the "14th Five Year Plan"; • expand ou r expo r t e f f o r t wh i ch ha s a l r eady outperformed the growth of Steel cord export amongst our peers in 2019; • further reduce our cost of production by streamlining our manufacturing process and increasing automation; • further decrease our overall debt level and financial charges; and • continue to curtail the impact of foreign exchange fluctuation on our profitability.