Annual Report 2019
42 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 • 審核及批准本公司的業績及運作,定期 向公眾人士披露;及 • 批准本集團的營運策略、預算及與不同 管轄權區的企業合作的計劃以及其他主 要的投資、資金運用及與其他企業的其 他重大行動。 為特別須董事會作決定之事項提供明確指引, 董事會及管理層之職能已在內部監控指引中 界定。簡單而言,董事會須就本公司的長遠表 現向股東問責,負責領導及監管本公司之事務 以保障本公司之整體最佳利益。需董事會作出 負責之事務包括但不限於制定本公司業務模 式及策略、準備財務報告以及擴展和開發任何 新業務。而董事總經理負責推動管理層及一般 僱員以內部監控指引下之業務準則及道德標 準達到董事會制訂的業務目標及策略。 各董事對於本公司均有誠信責任。彼應真誠 地以本公司和股東的整體最佳利益為前提行 事。另外,董事會現有三名獨立非執行董事, 佔董事會成員人數多於三分之一,使董事會有 強大的獨立元素。每一位獨立非執行董事於各 方面皆具有各項專業資格及經驗:包括但不限 於 (i) 法律專業資格及經驗;或 (ii) 審核、會計和 稅務專業或業務諮詢經驗,完全符合上市規則 第 3.10(1) 及 (2) 條的規定。故此,我們相信我們 具有足夠才幹的獨立非執行董事,以使其意見 具有影響力。 • Review and approve the Company’s results and operations to be disclosed on a regular basis to the public; and • Approve the Group’s operating strategies, budget and strategies in collaboration with various jurisdictions enterprises, as well as other major investments, application of funds and other substantial exercises with other enterprises. In order to have a clear guideline in relation to the matters specifically reserved to the Board for decision, functions between the Board and the management are formalized in the Internal Control Manual. In short, the Board, which is accountable to Shareholders for the long-term performance of the Company, is responsible for directing and supervising the Company’s affairs to safeguard the best interest of the Company as a whole. The affairs reserved to the Board including but not limited to the development of business models and strategies of the Company, the preparation of financial reporting and the expansion and development of any new business. The managing Director motivates the management and general staff to achieve those business goals and strategies set out by the Board, applying business principles and ethics enshrined in the Internal Control Manual. Each Director owes a fiduciary duty towards the Company. He should act in good faith and in the best interests for both the Company and Shareholders as a whole. Also, the Board has three independent non-executive Directors which represent more than one-third of the Board so that there is a strong element of independence in the Board. Each of the independent non-executive Directors has different professional qualification and experience in various aspects: including but not limited to (i) legal professional qualification and experience; or (ii) auditing, accounting and tax professional, or business consulting experience, which has fully complied with Rules 3.10(1) and (2) of the Listing Rules. Hence, we believe that we have sufficient calibre and number of independent non-executive Directors for their views to carry weight.