Annual Report 2019
46 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 附註: 1. 葉芊先生於二零一九年六月二十八日獲委任為 本公司非執行董事,及於二零二零年一月一日獲 調任為本公司執行董事。 2. 羅裔麟先生於二零二零年一月一日辭任本公司 獨立非執行董事及審核委員會成員、提名委員會 成員及薪酬委員會成員。 於本年度,執行董事及本集團管理層舉行了兩 次風險評估會議藉以處理本集團之風險管理 及內部監控事宜。並且,於結算日後彼等舉行 了一次預算會議以檢討二零一九年之業務表 現及二零二零年之業務計劃。 董事之持續培訓及發展 本公司將向每名新委任董事提供全面且正式的 就任須知文件,確保他╱她能足夠知悉公司條 例、上市規則及其他法規規定下其為董事之責 任、職責及義務,和確保他╱她對本公司之運 作與業務均有適當的理解。於本年度內,為符 合守則之守則條文 A.6.5 條,所有董事均參與 持續專業發展,以發展並更新其知識及技能。 董事已參加由本公司或其他專業資格團體或 監管機構所舉辦的課程或研討會。特別是,本 公司全體董事已積極參與聯交所於二零一九 年五月推出的董事網上培訓,增進了他們對 董事會在環境、社會及管治(「環境、社會及管 治」)事宜的領導角色的理解。 Notes: 1. Mr. Ye Qian was appointed as a non-executive Director on 28 June 2019 and was re-designated as an executive Director on 1 January 2020. 2. Mr. Law, Yui Lun resigned as an independent non-executive Director and a member of each of the audit committee, nomination committee and remuneration committee of the Company on 1 January 2020. During the year, two risk assessment meetings were held to deal with risk management issues of the Group by executive Directors and the management of the Group. In addition, they held a budget meeting to review the business performance of 2019 and planning of 2020 business after the balance sheet date. DIRECTORS’ CONTINUOUS TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT The Company will provide a comprehensive and formal induction package to each newly appointed Director to ensure that he/she is sufficiently aware of his/her duties, responsibilities and obligations as a Director under the Companies Ordinance, the Listing Rules and other regulatory requirement and ensure he/she has a proper understanding of the Company’s operations and business. In compliance with the code provision A.6.5 of the Code during the year, all Directors have participated in continuous professional development to develop and refresh their knowledge and skills. The Directors have attended programmes or seminar(s) organised by the Company, other qualified professional bodies and regulatory authorities. In particular, all Directors had actively participated in the Directors E-Training launched by the Stock Exchange in May 2019, which enhance their understanding of the board’s leadership role in Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) matters.