Annual Report 2019

53 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 提名委員會 提名委員會已於二零零五年四月四日成立並 由四名成員組成,而其中大部分為獨立非執行 董事,現在成員為: 蘇凡荣先生 (主席) 葉健民先生 (副主席) 林耀堅先生 (獨立非執行董事) 馮耀嶺先生 附註 (獨立非執行董事) 附註: 馮耀嶺先生於二零二零年一月一日獲委任為 提名委員會成員及羅裔麟先生於同日辭任該職 位。 提名委員會之職權範圍概述如下: i) 根據董事會成員多元化政策,至少每年 檢討及監察董事會的結構、人數及多元 化(包括但不限於性別、語言、年齡、宗 教、社經地位、文化及教育背景、種族、 專業經驗、地區及行業經驗、技能、知 識、思想作風、技術及服務任期),並就 任何為配合本公司的公司策略而擬對董 事會作出的變動提出建議; ii) 在董事會需要增加董事人數或填補董事 空缺時,考慮多元化對董事會之好處,作 物色及╱或提名,並根據提名公司董事 政策考慮候任董事預期可為董事會帶來 何樣的技巧、經驗及多元觀點,以及為未 來作出怎樣的貢獻,然後進行甄選或向 董事會提出建議,惟有關委任須待董事 會批准方可落實; iii) 根據提名公司董事政策,就董事委任或 重新委任以及董事(尤其是董事長╱主 席及行政總裁)繼任計劃向董事會提出 建議(考慮本公司將來之企業策略及多 元化需要); Nomination committee The nomination committee has been established on 4 April 2005 and consists of four members with a majority of independent non-executive Directors. The current members are: Mr. Su Fanrong (Chairman) Mr. Yip Kin Man, Raymond (Vice Chairman) Mr. Lam Yiu Kin (Independent Non-executive Director) Mr. Feng Yaoling Note (Independent Non-executive Director) Note: Mr. Feng Yaoling was appointed as the member of the nomination committee on 1 January 2020 and Mr. Law, Yui Lun resigned from the same position on the same date. Te rms o f re f e rence o f nomi na t i on commi t t ee a re summarised as follows: i) to review and monitor the structure, size and diversity (including but not limited to gender, language, age, religion, social-economic status, cultural and educational background, ethnicity, professional exper i ence , reg i ona l and i ndus t r y exper i ence , skills, knowledge, thinking styles, know-how and length of service) of the Board at least annually in accordance with the Board Diversity Policy and make recommendations on any proposed changes to the Board to complement the Company’s corporate strategy; ii) to identify and/or nominate and then select or make recommendation to the Board on the selection of qualified individuals for appointment as additional Directors or to fill Board vacancies in accordance with the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company by considering the skills, experience and diversity of perspectives that the individual is expected to bring to the Board and what are their potential contributions as and when they arise with due regard for the benefits of diversity on the Board. Such appointment is subject to the approval of the Board; iii) to make recommendations (taking into account the Company’s corporate strategy and diversity need in the future) to the Board on the appointment or re- appointment of Directors and succession planning for Directors in accordance with the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company, in particular the chairman and the chief executive;