Annual Report 2019

59 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 • 列出已連任超過九年的非執行董事(包 括獨立非執行董事)重選退任的條件;及 • 列出審議董事會成員的繼任計劃,並定 期檢討該計劃。 提名委員會將監督提名公司董事政策以確保 有效性,並將討論可能需要的任何修訂及建議 董事會採納任何此類修訂。 提名委員會將檢討提名公司董事政策,並在本 報告中披露董事會的繼任計劃,以確保與本公 司需求相關,並反映當前監管要求及良好的企 業管治。 審核委員會 審核委員會已於一九九八年十二月三十日成 立。目前由三名成員組成,及所有成員均為獨 立非執行董事,彼為: 葉健民先生 (主席) 林耀堅先生 馮耀嶺先生 附註 附註: 馮耀嶺先生於二零二零年一月一日獲委任為 審核委員會成員及羅裔麟先生於同日辭任該職 位。 • state the requirement of re-election of retirement of non-executive Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) who have served for more than 9 years; and • state the board succession planning considerations and periodical reviews of the plan. The nomination committee will monitor the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company to ensure the effectiveness and will discuss any revisions that may be required, and recommend any such revisions to the Board for adoption. The nomination committee will review the Policy for Nomination of a Director of the Company and disclose in this report on the Board’s succession planning considerations to achieve the objective to ensure that it remains relevant to the Company’s needs and reflects both current regulatory requirements and good corporate governance practice. Audit Committee The audit committee has been established on 30 December 1998. At present, it consists of three members and all of them are independent non-executive Directors. They are: Mr. Yip Kin Man, Raymond (Chairman) Mr. Lam Yiu Kin Mr. Feng Yaoling Note Note: Mr. Feng Yaoling was appointed as the member of the audit committee on 1 January 2020 and Mr. Law, Yui Lun resigned from the same position on the same date.