Annual Report 2019

82 SHOUGANG CONCORD CENTURY HOLDINGS LIMITED 首長寶佳集團有限公司 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 企業管治報告 為了與公眾間有更有效的溝通,本公司亦善用 其網站 ( 作為一個媒介,適時發放最新近的資訊,以及 不時更新網頁內容來反映有關本公司之業務 發展現況。此外,本公司公司秘書部門會按持 續披露責任政策規定下答覆股東或投資者透 過電話詢問及電子郵件或信函所提出的各類 事項。股東的任何意見、看法及建議將會被收 集,然後提交予董事會及管理人員(如需要) 垂注。 於本年度,二零一九年度股東周年大會已於二 零一九年六月十一日召開,以批准股東周年大 會上的一般及特別事項。二零一九年度股東周 年大會之決議案以投票表決方式正式獲得通 過。股東大會於二零一九年二月一日已召開, 以追認及批准有關可換股債券之認購事項的 關連交易及其項下擬進行的交易。股東大會之 決議案亦以投票表決方式正式通過。 截至二零一九年十二月三十一日止年度,本公 司之憲章文件並無重大變更。 In order to further promote a sound communication between the public, the Company fully utilises its website (http:// ) as a means to provide the latest and updated information in a timely manner, and from time to time enhances the homepage of the website to reflect its current business development. Also, the company secretarial department of the Company will respond to the telephone enquiries and email or correspondences from Shareholders or investors in respect of various issues subject to the Continuous Disclosure Obligation Policy. Any opinions, views and suggestions of Shareholders will be solicited and brought to the attention of the Board and management, if necessary. During the year, the 2019 AGM was held on 11 June 2019 to approve ordinary and special businesses of annual general meeting. The resolutions of 2019 AGM were duly passed by way of poll. A general meeting was held on 1 February 2019 to ratify and approve a connected transaction in relation to the Subscription for the Convertible Bonds and the transactions contemplated thereunder. The resolution of general meeting was also duly passed by way of poll. During the year ended 31 December 2019, there was no significant change in the Company’s constitutional documents.