Annual Report 2019
97 年報 ANNUAL REPORT 2019 REPORT OF THE DIRECTORS 董事會報告書 財務資料摘要 以下為本集團於過去五個財政年度之已公告 業績、資產及負債摘要,該等資料乃摘錄自本 集團之經審核綜合財務報告: 投資物業及物業、廠房及設備 本集團之投資物業及物業、廠房及設備於本年 度之變動詳情分別載列於綜合財務報告附註 16 及 17 。 本集團於二零一九年十二月三十一日之投資 物業摘要載列於本年報第 274 頁。 股本及購股權 本公司股本之變動詳情載列於綜合財務報告 附註 33 。二零零二計劃項下已授出的購股權 仍然有效,並可根據其發行條款予以行使。二 零一二計劃項下並沒有購股權授出、行使、失 效或註銷。二零零二計劃的購股權之詳情載列 於以下「 股票掛鈎協議 」標題內及財務報告附 註 36 。 SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL INFORMATION A summary of the published results and of the assets and liabilities of the Group for the last five financial years, as extracted from the audited consolidated financial statements of the Group, is set out below: 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 二零一九年 二零一八年 二零一七年 二零一六年 二零一五年 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 HK$’000 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 港幣千元 PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE YEAR 本年度溢利╱(虧損) 108,344 (8,681) (68,518) 10,103 (376,985) TOTAL ASSETS 資產總額 3,143,918 3,414,467 3,444,076 3,037,042 3,006,147 TOTAL LIABILITIES 負債總額 (1,728,846) (2,075,317) (2,052,548) (1,715,077) (1,610,277) TOTAL EQUITY 權益總額 1,415,072 1,339,150 1,391,528 1,321,965 1,395,870 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES AND PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Details of movements in the investment properties and property, plant and equipment of the Group during the year are set out in notes 16 and 17, respectively, to the consolidated financial statements. Particulars of the Group’s investment properties as at 31 December 2019 are summarised on page 274 of this annual report. SHARE CAPITAL AND SHARE OPTIONS Details of movements in the share capital of the Company are set out in note 33 to the consolidated financial statements. Share options granted under the 2002 Scheme remain valid and exercisable in accordance with the terms of issue. No share options were granted, exercised, lapsed or cancelled under the 2012 Scheme. Details of share options of the 2002 Scheme are set out under the heading “ EQUITY-LINKED AGREEMENT ” hereunder and in note 36 to the financial statements.